Why The World Needs A

Vikas Singh
6 min readAug 19, 2014

Time Machine

Imagine a world where people can travel time and connect with their loved ones in the future…

Hello friends, I am Vikas. An inventor/researcher/entrepreneur, and currently building this ambitious technology to help people connect with their loved ones in the future; a time machine, if you’d like to think that way.

My quest for Time Travel started at an early age when I lost someone close, someone too young to leave; a friend, almost like an elder brother. Sometimes I think of him and wonder how old would he be now had he been around, and all those things he might have told me as we were growing up. There are so many moments in Life when we are separated by our loved ones, not by distance but in Time; but this story is not about loss, it’s about hope; not about the past but the future.

As I was growing up destined to become an inventor, a technology researcher, I was also spending a lot of time thinking about people, about emotions, about how unfair and yet beautiful Life could be. A curious kid that I had always been, the question lingered. What if we could actually time travel; go a little ahead in time (be it a couple of days, months or years) and connect with our loved ones living in that future; share a message, a blessing, a secret. No matter what happens tomorrow, if we could find a way for our old “ourselves” come back from time long gone, even for few moments.

We have been doing this already, though in a primitive way…



Jeffery Jones (EVP / CMO Target ) — Dont Fail Your Daughters


My challenge was, can we make it real? Instead of reading a note, can you actually appear in that future, just like a time traveler from the past and convey the message. Being a researcher/technologist, I know almost everything there is out there for science to make Time Travel a reality. I am sorry to say but as of now it’s practically impossible. Worm holes are still more theoretical, if at all real. So I figured out a way to trick time without depending too much on physics, but using the most advanced technology we have available today and understanding few fundamental elements of human emotions and psychology. That project is called Timeport.

How it Works

Timeport is a combination of technology (augmented reality, holograms) + a slick product design and a deep understanding of human psychology. It lets you beam yourself (a visual projection) into the future only to be activated and projected at a specific time and place (that the time traveler i.e. you have decided). The receiver of this message has no knowledge about this event until its time and you are just about to appear in that future.

When that day comes, your receiver, lets say your younger brother who is all grown up now and having a regular day in office, gets a message/notification on his smart phone/wearable, “Someone from the past is trying to connect with you”.

He has no clue who. All he can see is a countdown timer and a place glowing on the map, which says reach here in next 23 hrs : 45 mins : 18 secs, a portal is about to get active. That glowing place is your grandmother’s place (since u decided to meet him there in this future because of the fond memories you both share of that place).

He gets the kick of his life. Anxious, surprised, happy…who could it be? He runs to his grand mothers place and as soon as the timer goes 00:00, Timeport turns into a device that can detect people appearing from the past.

He looks though the Timeport, turns around and right there, next to his granny’s chair, things start swirling and you (your visual projection) come out of that portal and give him the most beautiful moment of his life, a message from a time and moment that’s long gone.

WE HAVE ALREADY ACHIEVED THIS. Check out our pilot version in action where a grandmother creates a Timeport on Sept 10, 2013 and appears 192 days into the future to give her blessings to her grandson.


Our first prototype version of Timeport is a smart phone app but the technology goes beyond smartphones. Timeport’s vision is to be accessible via smart wearables like Google Glass and more.

This version is just a brief glimpse of what we are trying to do here. It’s step one of 10 steps. Imagine if people could go into the future (be it couple of days, months or years from the present day) and connect with their loved ones living in that future; share something amazing, be it a surprise message, blessings, or even disclose a secret.

Imagine if great people like Steve Jobs or MJ or Nikola Tesla had created such a secret time portal when they were around which is about to get active in few days from now; if they can reappear in front of the whole world one more time to share something really important.

The Roadmap ahead

  • We need to go beyond smartphone, as Timeport is not just an app. The app is just one way to access the technology today. We are already exploring opportunities to start integration with smart wearables like google glass and more.
  • We want to go beyond video messages to more experience driven and realistic holographic projections. We have made some early breakthrough here.
  • We want to build a system that could uniquely identify the people years from now, so that you can meet them precisely when and where you want no matter what technology exists tomorrow.

Ways You Can Help

  • Help us spread the word. Share this amazing dream and story with your friends, family, peers and followers.
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Times Of India

Saying we are bootstrapped will be an understatement. We’ve put everything in this dream. We are hoping one day we’ll be able to gift this world an amazing ability to travel across time.

Starting year 2014, anyone can come back and reappear in front of us and can share something important, something emotional, something worth traveling time.

Your support will help us keep fighting, keep chasing this ambitious dream, keep pushing the boundaries.

Help us build this Time Machine.

More about Vikas Singh : http://vikassingh.me



Vikas Singh

Inventor . Dreamer . Entrepreneur . Storyteller . Futurist | CEO & Founder Psi Phi Labs. Believes, we can make Time Travel a reality @timep0rt