How to identify a real Turquoise Gemstone 

Turquoise Gemstone Online

Vikas Singh Gusain
3 min readApr 4, 2014

Human race can’t even count the blessings which are bestowed upon us in the form of different objects making our day to day life beautiful and easier. One of such a breath taking and mesmeric object presented by the Almighty for adding on to the beauty to our life is a blue coloured gemstone. The alluring beauty of this gemstone has the capability to catch the eye of the onlooker in merely the first gaze.

Though this gemstone has a name, Turquoise, but it is popularly known by the gemstone studded in Salman Khan’s Bracelet across the nation.

Turquoise Gemstone

The beauty of this gemstone has been used by the humans since the times of Pliny and the Aztecs. What makes this gemstone so alluring and charming is its composition; a Turquoise is composed of Hydrous Phosphate Copper and Aluminium. Belonging to the category of the Mineral Phosphates; Turquoise Gemstone gives a rating from 5 to 7 out of 10 on the Moh’s Scale of Hardness. The process of extraction and mining of this gemstone takes place in a number of areas situated in the areas like Austin, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Turkey, Iran and Royston. The popularity of this gemstone in spite of being a semi precious gemstone is due to its soothing blue colour which calms the eyes and soul of the onlooker. Turquoise Gemstone derives its name from a French word “Turkish” which is due to the reason that it was first brought to Europe from Turkey.

Turquoise gemstones are extensively used for making stylish and resplendent jewellery like Turquoise Bracelet, Earrings, Pendants and Rings.

How to Identify a Real Turquoise?

Though a Turquoise Gemstone is categorized to be a semi precious gemstone, still, this gemstone costs quit a much and while you buy one, finding it out to be a fake can make give you a big loss. Hence, while thinking to buy a Turquoise, you may consider or follow these steps to get saved from getting cheated.

Before buying a Turquoise, firstly gather some basic information about this gemstone like from it is mined, what is the general composition and the colours it is found in. As this gemstone has a very low rating on the Moh’s Scale of hardness, this means that it is very soft which makes quite unstable to be used for making jewellery. Usually for making Turquoise Jewellery, this gemstone is stabilized by submerging in different stabilizing compounds. A real Turquoise has a waxy luster and porous surface most the times and may have some irregularities being a natural gemstone. On the other hand, a fake turquoise will be flawless as it is artificially made. Usually “Buffalo Turquoise” or Dyed Howlite is used as fake Turquoise. Also, these are made by powdered Turquoise along with epoxy around the base of rocks. Consider the cost of the gemstone before buying as maybe a cheap deal you are getting for this gemstone actually has a fake Turquoise.

A simple method to identify fake Turquoise Gemstone is to pierce a hot needle through it. If it is a fake gemstone, most probably the needle will pass through it as it is merely composed of epoxy resin, but the needle won’t pass through a Real Turquoise Gemstone.

Author : This article has been written by an astrologer who working with He provides the information on Turquoise Gemstone Benefits.

