Glory to Radha ~ The Goddess of Love

2 min readAug 26, 2023


Radha is the Goddess of Love. She embodies the grace of Pure Divine Love…the kind that drips from the core of one’s heart.

Her Love transforms.

She cracks open hearts like a volcanic eruption — Her lava of Pure Love healing deep wounds and burning everything non-Love in its wake.

Her Love is like the blossoming flower — slow, gradual, and then suddenly — full bloom.

Hers is the story of the butterfly — radical metamorphosis and transformation. Beauty, freedom, and tenderness.

She turns the perverted sinner into a princely saint.

How and when Radha enters our heart, cleanses our heart, softens our heart, and expands our heart is a mystery of the ages.

It is all Radha’s Grace and Divine Timing. All we can do is sing, cry tears of devotion, worship, and emulate Her Love so that we may be a worthy vessel of Her Song — clean and open — allowing Her to flow and play through us like the wind of Her Flute.

Ra means Divine Ecstasy

Dha means Give

Radha is The Giver of Divine Ecstasy.

She expands our heart and crushes it in a ruthless, unforgiving fashion so that we may know that which does not die.

She does everything for our benefit. Whatever happens, we are moving into an ever-tightening Union with Radha.

She puts us in a world of polarities so that we may seek and find Her — The One beyond duality.

Many of us have enjoyed an abundance of timeless connection and / or intoxicating devotional song.

This is all Radha’s Grace. None of it would be if it were not for Glorious Radha.

So, when we connect or sing, let’s sing Her Name with fervor and faith. Whatever we do, let us do it with Radha in our heart.

Some talk about the Almighty as “Source” or “Consciousness”. Can you make love to a “Source”? Can you have a personal, loving relationship with consciousness?

Yes, God is unmanifest and God is a personality — She presents Herself to us in a manner that is perfect for our unique personality — She is All Attractive, Supremely Energetic, and Unimaginably Pleasurable.

Oh, what a joy it is to make Pure Divine Love with and through Radha.

She is the Goddess of Love.

Jai Radhe, Jai Radhe, Jai Radhe!




In awe of Christ and Krishna. Devoted to Radha. Lover of God, humanity, and Mother Earth. Union with Spirit.