Android Interview Questions: 2024 Part-I

Vikas Soni
18 min readJan 27, 2024


Unlock the secrets to Android success with our expertly curated interview questions, empowering you to shine in your next career-defining moment. Let’s turn challenges into triumphs and land that dream Android development role!

Table of Contents:

1. Java and Kotlin

2. Android Components

3. User Interface (UI) Development

4. Android App Architecture

5. Networking and Data Persistence

Let’s jump on the point now-

Java and Kotlin

  1. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface in Java?

Answer: An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated, and it can have abstract and non-abstract methods. An interface, on the other hand, is a collection of abstract methods and constants that can be implemented by any class. One key difference between the two is that a class can implement multiple interfaces, but it can only extend one abstract class.

2. What is the difference between the “==” operator and the “.equals()” method in Java?

Answer: The “==” operator checks for object reference equality, while the “.equals()” method checks for object value equality. For example, two different String objects with the same value will return true when compared using “.equals()”, but false when compared using “==”.

3. What is a lambda expression in Kotlin?

Answer: A lambda expression is a way to define a function in Kotlin without creating a separate named function. It allows you to define a function inline, using a more concise syntax. For example, the following code defines a lambda expression that takes two integers and returns their sum: “(x: Int, y: Int) -> x + y”.

4. What is the difference between a lateinit property and an initialized property in Kotlin?

Answer: A lateinit property is a property that is declared without an initial value, but is guaranteed to be initialized before it is used. This is useful for properties that cannot be initialized in the constructor, but need to be initialized before they are used. An initialized property, on the other hand, is a property that is declared with an initial value and can be used immediately.

5. What is the difference between a HashSet and a TreeSet in Java?

Answer: A HashSet is an unordered set of unique elements, implemented using a hash table. A TreeSet, on the other hand, is an ordered set of unique elements, implemented using a red-black tree. The elements in a TreeSet are stored in sorted order.

6. What is a companion object in Kotlin?

Answer: A companion object is an object that is associated with a class, rather than an instance of the class. It can be used to define static methods and properties for the class. For example, the following code defines a companion object for the MyClass class, with a static method “myStaticMethod”:

class MyClass { 
companion object {
fun myStaticMethod() {
/* code */ }

7. What is the difference between a class and an object in Kotlin?

Answer: A class is a blueprint for creating objects, while an object is a single instance of a class. Objects are often used to implement singletons in Kotlin.

8. What is polymorphism in Java?

Answer: Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on multiple forms. In Java, this can be achieved through inheritance and method overriding. For example, a subclass can override a method from its superclass to provide a different implementation.

9. What is a functional interface in Java?

Answer: A functional interface is an interface that has only one abstract method. It is often used with lambda expressions and method references in Java. Java provides the @FunctionalInterface annotation to indicate that an interface is a functional interface.

10. What is the difference between a private and a protected method in Java?

Answer: A private method is a method that can only be accessed within the same class. A protected method, on the other hand, can be accessed within the same class and any subclasses.

Android Components

  1. What are the key Android app components?

Answer: The key Android app components are Activities, Fragments, Services, Broadcast Receivers, and Content Providers.

2. What is an Activity in Android?

Answer: An Activity represents a single screen with a user interface that is used to interact with the app. It manages the UI components and receives and handles user input.

3. What is a Fragment in Android?

Answer: A Fragment is a reusable UI component that represents a part of an Activity. It can be used to build multi-pane UIs and can be added or removed dynamically during runtime.

4. What is a Service in Android?

Answer: A Service is a background process that performs long-running tasks without a user interface. It can run in the background even if the app is not in the foreground.

5. What is a Broadcast Receiver in Android?

Answer: A Broadcast Receiver is a component that listens for system or app events and performs tasks based on those events. It is used to receive and respond to broadcast messages from other components or system events.

6. What is a Content Provider in Android?

Answer: A Content Provider is a component that manages a shared set of app data that can be accessed by other apps or components. It provides a standardized interface to access and manipulate data.

7. What is the lifecycle of an Activity in Android?

Answer: The lifecycle of an Activity in Android includes several states, such as Created, Started, Resumed, Paused, Stopped, and Destroyed. Each state has specific methods that can be overridden to perform actions during that state.

8. How do you pass data between Activities in Android?

Answer: Data can be passed between Activities in Android by using Intent extras or by using the startActivityForResult method.

9. What is the purpose of a Bundle in Android?

Answer: A Bundle is a container for data that can be passed between components in Android, such as Activities, Fragments, or Services. It is often used to save and restore instance state data.

10. What is the difference between a Service and an IntentService in Android?

Answer: A Service is a background process that runs continuously until it is stopped, whereas an IntentService is a subclass of Service that runs for a short period of time to perform a single task and then stops itself automatically. An IntentService can be used for background tasks that need to be performed in a separate thread.

User Interface (UI) Development

  1. What is the difference between a View and a ViewGroup in Android UI development?

Answer: In Android UI development, a View represents a UI element such as a button or a text field, while a ViewGroup is a container that holds Views and other ViewGroups. ViewGroup can hold other ViewGroups and Views, and can arrange them in different ways. For example, LinearLayout is a ViewGroup that arranges Views in a linear layout either horizontally or vertically.

2. What is the purpose of XML-based layouts in Android UI development?

Answer: XML-based layouts are used to define the structure and appearance of the user interface for an Android app. These layouts define the position, size, and style of UI elements such as buttons, text fields, and images. By defining layouts in XML, developers can separate the UI design from the app logic, making the code easier to maintain and modify.

3. How do you create a custom View in Android?

Answer: To create a custom View in Android, you need to extend the View class and override its onDraw() method to define the drawing behavior of the custom View. You can then use this custom View in your app’s XML layouts by specifying the fully-qualified name of the custom View class as the XML tag.

4. What are some common UI design principles that should be followed when developing Android apps?

Answer: Some common UI design principles that should be followed when developing Android apps include simplicity, consistency, visibility, feedback, and usability. The UI should be easy to use and understand, with clear labels and intuitive navigation. Feedback should be provided to the user when actions are performed, and consistency should be maintained across the app’s UI.

5. How do you implement a responsive design in Android UI development?

Answer: To implement a responsive design in Android UI development, you can use techniques such as RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout, or the new GridLayout. These layout managers allow you to define UI elements in relation to each other, ensuring that the UI scales properly across different screen sizes and orientations.

6. How do you handle different screen densities in Android UI development?

Answer: In Android UI development, you can use resource qualifiers such as -hdpi, -xhdpi, and -xxhdpi to specify different versions of UI elements for different screen densities. The system will automatically load the appropriate version of the resource based on the device’s screen density.

7. What is a RecyclerView in Android UI development?

Answer: A RecyclerView is a more flexible and efficient replacement for ListView and GridView in Android UI development. It allows developers to display large sets of data in a scrollable list or grid, with customizable item views and a more efficient data loading and recycling mechanism.

8. How do you implement animations in Android UI development?

Answer: In Android UI development, you can use the Animation and Animator classes to implement animations such as fade-in, fade-out, and slide-in. You can also use the new Transition framework to create more complex animations that involve multiple UI elements.

9. What are some common UI components in Android?

Answer: Some common UI components in Android include TextView, ImageView, Button, EditText, ProgressBar, and RecyclerView. These components are used to display text, images, user input fields, and progress indicators.

10. What is a Material Design guideline in Android UI development?

Answer: Material Design is a set of guidelines for Android UI design created by Google. It provides a consistent and intuitive design language for Android apps, with guidelines for typography, color, layout, and animation. Adhering to Material Design guidelines can help developers create more visually appealing and user-friendly apps.

11. What is the purpose of the “match_parent” attribute in Android XML layouts?

Answer: The “match_parent” attribute is used to instruct the View to take up as much space as possible within its parent container. It is often used to create full-screen or dynamically-sized UI components.

android:text="This text will take up the full width of its parent"/>

12. What are some common UI design principles for mobile apps? Answer: Some common UI design principles for mobile apps include simplicity, consistency, feedback, affordance, and discoverability. These principles help ensure that apps are easy to use, intuitive, and visually appealing.


Simplicity: An app should have a simple and straightforward UI that is easy to navigate and use.

Consistency: An app should have a consistent design language throughout its various screens and components.

Feedback: The app should provide clear feedback to users when they interact with UI components, such as buttons or text inputs.

Affordance: UI components should provide visual cues that indicate their intended function, such as a button that looks like it can be pressed.

Discoverability: All UI components should be easy to discover and accessible to users.

13. How can you improve the performance of an Android app’s UI? Answer: You can improve the performance of an Android app’s UI by reducing the number of layout hierarchies, minimizing the use of expensive graphics, using RecyclerView instead of ListView for long lists, and optimizing animations and transitions.


  • Use a RelativeLayout instead of a nested LinearLayout hierarchy to reduce the number of layout passes required.
  • Use vector drawables instead of bitmap images to reduce the memory footprint of graphics.
  • Use the RecyclerView widget instead of the ListView widget for long lists to improve scrolling performance.
  • Use the Lint tool to detect and fix UI performance issues.

14. What is the purpose of the “dp” (density-independent pixel) unit in Android?

Answer: The “dp” unit is used to specify dimensions in a way that is independent of the device’s screen density. This allows UI components to look the same across devices with different screen densities.

android:text="Click me!" />

15. What is the purpose of a ViewStub in Android?

Answer: A ViewStub is a lightweight UI component that allows you to defer the inflation of a UI component until it is needed. This can improve app startup times and reduce memory usage.

android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

In this example, the ViewStub is set up to inflate the “my_layout” layout file when it is needed. The inflated layout will have the ID “my_view”.

16. How do you handle different screen sizes in Android?
Answer: You can handle different screen sizes in Android by using layout qualifiers such as “layout-small”, “layout-large”, and “layout-xlarge” to provide different versions of your layout files for different screen sizes. You can also use the “dp” unit to specify dimensions in a way that is independent of the device’s screen density.

res/ layout/ main.xml 
res/ layout-small/ main.xml
res/ layout-large/ main.xml
res/ layout-xlarge/ main.xml

Android App Architecture

  1. What is Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture and how does it differ from other architectures?

Answer: MVVM is a popular architecture pattern for Android apps that separates the app into three distinct components: Model, View, and ViewModel. The Model component represents the data and business logic, the View component represents the UI, and the ViewModel acts as a mediator between the Model and View components. The key advantage of MVVM is that it makes it easier to test each component separately and enables data binding. In contrast, Model-View-Presenter (MVP) separates the View and Presenter components, while Clean Architecture uses layers to separate business logic from the presentation layer.

2. How do you implement the MVVM architecture in an Android app using Jetpack?

Answer: To implement MVVM architecture using Jetpack, you can use the following components:

  • LiveData: A lifecycle-aware observable data holder that can be used to communicate changes between the ViewModel and View components.
  • ViewModel: A class that stores and manages UI-related data, communicates with the Model component, and survives configuration changes.
  • DataBinding: A library that enables UI components to bind to data sources in the ViewModel and eliminates the need for findViewById() calls. You can also use other Jetpack components such as Room for database operations, Navigation for navigating between screens, and WorkManager for background processing.

3. What is dependency injection and how does it improve app architecture?

Answer: Dependency injection is a technique for managing dependencies between objects in an app. Instead of creating objects directly, you use a dependency injection framework such as Dagger to provide the required objects. This makes the app more modular, testable, and maintainable, as each component can be easily replaced or modified without affecting the rest of the app. It also reduces code duplication and improves code readability.

4. What is the role of Dagger in app architecture and how does it work? Answer: Dagger is a popular dependency injection framework for Android that simplifies the process of managing dependencies in an app. It uses annotations to generate code that provides dependencies to other classes, eliminating the need for manual dependency injection. The main advantage of Dagger is that it enables modular app design and makes it easier to test components in isolation. It works by creating a graph of dependencies at compile time, and then using that graph to provide dependencies to the app at runtime.

5. How does the ViewModel component in Jetpack improve app architecture?

Answer: The ViewModel component in Jetpack is designed to store and manage UI-related data, such as the state of the UI and user input. It survives configuration changes, such as screen rotations, by using a lifecycle-aware mechanism that retains its state. This reduces the need for workarounds such as saving state to a Bundle, and makes it easier to separate the presentation layer from the data layer. It also enables sharing of data between multiple UI components, such as Fragments, and promotes a more modular app architecture.

6. What is the role of LiveData in Jetpack and how does it enable reactive programming?

Answer: LiveData is a lifecycle-aware observable data holder that can be used to communicate changes between the ViewModel and View components in an Android app. It enables reactive programming by allowing the View to observe changes in the ViewModel’s data, and update the UI accordingly. This eliminates the need for manual UI updates, reduces boilerplate code, and improves performance. LiveData also respects the lifecycle of the app components, such as Fragments and Activities, and automatically removes observers when they are no longer needed, preventing memory leaks.

7. Can you explain the differences between the Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Model-View-Presenter (MVP) patterns in Android app development?

Answer: The MVC pattern separates the app into three components: the model (data and business logic), the view (user interface), and the controller (mediator between the model and the view). The MVP pattern builds on the MVC pattern by adding a presenter that acts as an intermediary between the view and the model, handling user input and updating the view accordingly. In MVP, the view and the model are decoupled, making it easier to test the app.

8. How does the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern differ from the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) pattern in Android development?

Answer: In MVVM, the view is bound to a ViewModel, which handles the presentation logic and state management. The ViewModel is responsible for retrieving and preparing data for the view to display. This pattern allows for better separation of concerns and makes it easier to test the code. Unlike in MVP, the view and the ViewModel are not coupled directly.

9. Can you explain the benefits of using the Clean Architecture pattern in Android app development?

Answer: The Clean Architecture pattern promotes separation of concerns and isolation of business logic from the framework and infrastructure layers. This makes the app more maintainable, testable, and scalable. The pattern consists of several layers, including domain, use cases, and data layers.

10. How does the use of LiveData in Jetpack improve app architecture in Android development?

Answer: LiveData is a Jetpack component that provides observable data to the UI layer. It allows for more efficient and responsive updates to the UI by automatically updating the view when the data changes. LiveData also helps to decouple the view from the business logic, making the app more maintainable.

11. Can you explain the purpose of ViewModel in Jetpack and how it relates to the UI layer in Android development?

Answer: ViewModel is a Jetpack component that provides a lifecycle-aware container for the UI-related data. ViewModel holds data for the UI, and it survives configuration changes. It keeps the data separate from the UI and provides a clean separation of concerns between the UI and data layers.

12. How does the use of Dagger in Android app development improve app architecture?

Answer: Dagger is a dependency injection framework that simplifies the management of dependencies in the app. It helps to decouple the components of the app and allows for easier testing and maintenance. It also helps to avoid boilerplate code and increases code reuse.

13. Can you explain how the Repository pattern works in Android app development?

Answer: The Repository pattern is used to manage data from different sources (such as a local database or a remote API) in a single place. The repository mediates between the data sources and the app, providing a layer of abstraction and making it easier to swap out data sources without affecting the rest of the app.

14. Can you explain how the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is implemented in Android app development?

Answer: The Dependency Inversion Principle states that high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Instead, both should depend on abstractions. In Android app development, this means that the code should be written in a way that the business logic does not depend on the implementation details of the framework or infrastructure.

Networking and Data Persistence

  1. What is Retrofit and how does it work?

Answer: Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java used to make network requests easier and more efficient. It allows developers to define interfaces with annotated methods specifying the HTTP request method, URL, request parameters, headers, and response type. These interfaces are then used to create and send HTTP requests, and to handle the responses. Retrofit also supports several conversion libraries for parsing the response data, including Gson, Jackson, and Moshi.

@GET("posts") Call<List<Post>> getPosts(@Query("userId") int userId);

In the above example, a GET request is made to the URL “" with a query parameter “userId”. The response is expected to be a List of Post objects.

2. What is the difference between Gson and Jackson libraries for JSON parsing in Android?

Answer: Gson and Jackson are two popular Java libraries for parsing JSON data. Gson is developed by Google and is known for its simplicity and ease of use, while Jackson is more powerful and feature-rich, but also more complex to use. Gson provides a set of APIs to convert Java objects to JSON and vice versa, while Jackson provides both streaming and databinding APIs for JSON processing.

Gson gson = new Gson(); String json = "{\"id\": 1, \"title\": \"Post Title\", \"body\": \"Post Body\"}"; Post post = gson.fromJson(json, Post.class);

In the above example, a Post object is created from a JSON string using the Gson library.

3. What is Room and how is it used for data persistence in Android? Answer: Room is a part of the Android Jetpack library used for local data storage in Android apps. It provides an abstraction layer over SQLite database operations, making it easier for developers to perform common database tasks such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data. Room uses annotations to define entities, which are objects representing tables in the database, and DAOs (Data Access Objects), which are interfaces providing methods for accessing the database.

@Entity(tableName = "posts") 
public class Post {
@PrimaryKey public int id; public String title; public String body;

@Dao public interface PostDao {

@Query("SELECT * FROM posts")
List<Post> getAllPosts();

@Insert void insertPost(Post post);

In the above example, a Post entity is defined with annotations specifying its primary key and table name. A PostDao interface is also defined with methods for retrieving and inserting Post objects.

4. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous network requests in Android?

Answer: Synchronous network requests in Android are executed on the main thread, which can lead to application freezes and unresponsiveness. Asynchronous network requests, on the other hand, are executed on separate threads in the background, allowing the main thread to continue processing user interface events. Asynchronous requests are typically implemented using callbacks, interfaces, or Kotlin coroutines.

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); 
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.build(); client.newCall(request)
.enqueue(new Callback() {

@Override public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
String responseBody = response.body().string();
Log.d(TAG, responseBody);

@Override public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());

In the above example, an asynchronous network request is made using the OkHttp library. The request is executed on a separate thread and the response is handled using a callback.

5. What is Retrofit in Android? How does it work?

Answer: Retrofit is a popular type-safe HTTP client library used for making API calls in Android applications. It simplifies the process of retrieving and sending JSON or XML data from a web service. It works by defining an interface that describes the HTTP endpoints of the API, and Retrofit takes care of creating the implementation of this interface during runtime. For example, the following code snippet shows how to define an interface using Retrofit:

public interface MyApi { 
@GET("users") Call<List<User>> getUsers();

6. What is Room in Android? How is it different from SQLite?

Answer: Room is a database library in Android that provides an abstraction layer over SQLite, making it easier to work with local data storage in Android applications. It simplifies the process of defining database schemas, querying data, and managing database transactions. Room provides compile-time verification of SQL queries and makes it easier to migrate database schemas. It is different from SQLite in that it provides a more object-oriented approach to database operations and is integrated with other Android libraries like LiveData, making it easy to observe changes to the database.

7. What is the difference between REST and SOAP APIs?

Answer: REST (Representational State Transfer) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) are two different types of APIs used for web services. REST APIs are lightweight and rely on HTTP requests to perform operations like creating, reading, updating, and deleting data. REST APIs use HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to manipulate resources on the server. On the other hand, SOAP APIs are more heavyweight and rely on XML messaging to perform operations. SOAP APIs define a formal contract between the client and server, including the types of data that can be exchanged, and provide more security features.

8. How do you handle network requests in Android?

Answer: In Android, network requests can be handled using libraries like Retrofit, OkHttp, or Volley. These libraries provide HTTP clients that make it easy to make API requests and handle responses asynchronously. The request and response data can be serialized and deserialized using JSON or XML parsers like GSON or Jackson. Network requests should be performed on a separate thread or using an asynchronous mechanism like callbacks or coroutines to avoid blocking the main thread.

9. What is Okhttp?

Answer: OkHttp is a popular networking library used in Android app development to make HTTP requests. It’s built on top of the Java HttpURLConnection API and provides a simple API for sending and receiving HTTP requests and responses. OkHttp includes support for features such as caching, compression, timeouts, and authentication. It also supports synchronous and asynchronous requests.

Example: Here’s an example of using OkHttp to make a GET request and retrieve data from an API:

val client = OkHttpClient() 
val request = Request.Builder()
val response = client.newCall(request).execute()
val responseBody = response.body?.string() // Process the response body here

10. What is the purpose of the Cache-Control header in HTTP requests? Answer: The Cache-Control header in HTTP requests specifies how the response should be cached by the client or intermediate caches like proxies. The header value can include directives like max-age, which indicates the maximum time the response can be cached, no-cache, which indicates that the response cannot be served from cache without validation, and no-store, which indicates that the response cannot be cached at all. The Cache-Control header is useful for controlling the caching behavior of responses and can help reduce the number of network requests and improve app performance.

11. What is JSON? How is it used in Android app development?

Answer: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format used for exchanging data between web services and clients. It consists of a collection of key-value pairs that can be nested to form complex data structures. In Android app development, JSON is commonly used for parsing data from web services and converting them into Java or Kotlin objects using libraries like GSON or Jackson. JSON data can also be sent as part of HTTP requests to web services to create or update resources.

Thank you for embarking on this Android interview journey with us! If our guide has fueled your confidence and insight, give it a round of applause 👏. Bookmark it as your trusty companion for upcoming interviews, and don’t forget to drop your suggestions and thoughts in the comments below. Stay tuned for Part Two, where we delve even deeper into the Android interview realm, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to conquer new heights in your career. Your success story begins here!

Quest for Android Excellence: Interview Edition 2024 Part-II

Quest for Android Excellence: Interview Edition 2024 Part-III



Vikas Soni

Passionate Android Developer | Code Craftsman | Transforming ideas into elegant apps. Let's build something amazing together!