What Are the Most Common Issues with IRCC Applications?

vikash kumar
11 min readMay 21, 2024
Canada PR visa application

Canada PR visa can be a daunting process, and even the most meticulously planned applications can encounter hurdles. These challenges often stem from the intricacies of the application process itself, which requires precise information and strict adherence to guidelines set forth by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The importance of understanding these common issues cannot be overstated, as they can potentially delay or derail one’s hopes for a successful migration. Seeking guidance from experienced Canada immigration consultants can provide applicants with the insights needed to navigate this intricate process effectively, emphasizing the need for accuracy and completeness in every step.

This article aims to shed light on the most frequent issues faced by applicants during the IRCC application process. From inaccurate or incomplete application forms to technical glitches with the online platform, document upload issues, and trouble accessing or opening documents, each section provides a detailed examination of potential obstacles. Moreover, it will cover how validation and barcode generation errors, along with web browser compatibility issues, can complicate the process further. By offering a roadmap through these common pitfalls, the discussion aspires to empower individuals with the knowledge necessary to streamline their Canada PR visa application journey, highlighting how to get a Canada PR visa from India and other countries efficiently.

Inaccurate or Incomplete Application Forms

Ensuring All Fields Are Correctly Filled

When applying for a Canada PR visa, it is crucial to answer every question on the application form. If a question does not apply, applicants should write “not applicable” or “N/A” in the space provided. This demonstrates that the form has been thoroughly reviewed and filled out completely. Additionally, the Generic Application Form for Canada [IMM 0008] must be filled out on a computer and validated with 2D barcodes to ensure all answers are correctly captured; if the barcodes are missing or unreadable, the application will be returned.

Verifying Personal Information for Accuracy

Accurate verification of personal information is essential in the immigration process to avoid delays and potential refusal. It is vital to ensure that all personal information, such as name, height, eye color, and date of landing, is consistently accurate across all forms and documents. Any discrepancy, such as different names used across documents without proper explanation or documentation of a name change, can lead to the rejection of the application.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Several common mistakes can significantly impact the processing of an immigration application. These include not signing the application forms or signing them in the incorrect places, which is a frequent error especially in spousal sponsorship applications. Paying the wrong fee or failing to include the correct size passport photo as per IRCC requirements can also cause delays. Moreover, it is crucial to include all required documents as specified on the IRCC checklist; omitting any can lead to non-processing of the application.

Applicants must ensure that all provided information is truthful and complete. Misrepresenting any details or providing incomplete information can be seen as fraud and lead to severe consequences, including application refusal. Ensuring legibility in all handwritten forms is also important, as illegible handwriting may prevent the application from being processed.

By adhering to these guidelines and paying close attention to the details, applicants can improve the accuracy of their application forms and enhance their chances of a successful immigration process.

Document Upload Issues

Accepted Formats and Size Limitations

When preparing an online application for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), applicants are required to upload supporting documents in specific formats. IRCC accepts file formats such as .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .png, .doc, and .docx. It is crucial to note that any other document format will not be accepted by the system. Additionally, all files uploaded must be less than 4MB in size. If the file size exceeds this limit, the applicant will encounter upload issues, as the system strictly enforces these size constraints.

Reducing File Sizes for Successful Upload

To ensure successful document uploads, applicants may need to reduce their file sizes. This can be achieved by various methods depending on the file type. For PDFs, creating the document using the “lowest file size” option available and saving images at 96 DPI can significantly reduce the file size. JPG files can be resized by scanning at a lower resolution, such as 96 DPI, and reducing the image quality. For documents in DOC and DOCX formats, removing unnecessary images, formatting, and macros, and then saving the file as a PDF if it is still too large, are effective strategies. These adjustments help in adhering to the 4MB file size limit imposed by IRCC.

Troubleshooting Common Upload Errors

Applicants often encounter various errors during the document upload process. Common issues include not being able to find the necessary information, difficulty understanding the upload requirements, or experiencing technical errors that prevent successful uploads. If an error occurs, the system may display messages such as “Validation error: You have not completed the mandatory fields correctly” or “Error description: We are unable to validate your document at this time”. To troubleshoot these errors, applicants should ensure that they are using the latest versions of recommended web browsers like Edge, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox and check that all information and documents are current and correctly formatted. Additionally, it is advised to attempt uploads at different times or with different devices if persistent issues occur.

Technical Glitches with Online Platform

Navigating Scheduled and Unscheduled System Downtimes

Scheduled system maintenance is a routine part of managing online platforms, ensuring they remain efficient and secure. Users are typically informed of both the timing and duration of maintenance through messages posted on the application and sign-in pages, often located just above the “Apply” or “Sign in” buttons. Additionally, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) provides updates on Twitter, offering a reliable channel for applicants to stay informed about the availability of online applications.

Unscheduled downtimes, while less predictable, are addressed promptly with updates posted on IRCC’s Twitter and website as soon as possible. These updates detail the nature of the issue and the expected resolution time, helping users manage their application expectations during such interruptions.

Alternative Submission Methods During System Outages

During both scheduled and unscheduled outages, it is crucial for users to have alternative methods to submit their applications to avoid delays. The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) provides a good model by extending all time limits to the next business day when the office is unexpectedly closed, ensuring that applicants are not disadvantaged by system unavailability. Similarly, IRCC could benefit from implementing a clear policy that allows for alternative submission methods or extended deadlines during outages, thus maintaining the integrity and accessibility of the application process.

Monitoring IRCC Updates for System Status

Applicants are encouraged to actively monitor IRCC updates to stay informed about the status of the online system. This can be effectively managed through IRCC’s Twitter feed, which is frequently updated with information regarding system availability. Additionally, subscribing to email notifications can provide direct alerts about any changes or issues, enabling applicants to adjust their application plans accordingly.

By understanding and utilizing these strategies, applicants can navigate the technical challenges posed by online platform glitches more effectively, ensuring that their immigration processes are as smooth and uninterrupted as possible.

Trouble Accessing or Opening Documents

Recommended Software for Viewing Documents

For individuals encountering issues with opening IRCC documents, it is essential to use Adobe Reader 10 or higher. This software is specifically designed to enable users to view, fill, and sign PDF documents electronically. Many common problems, such as documents appearing blank or not displaying correctly, arise from using incompatible PDF viewers like Microsoft’s built-in viewer or Apple’s Preview application. To avoid these issues, one should download Adobe Reader from the official Adobe website and use it as the default program for opening PDF files.

Steps to Resolve Common Access Issues

  1. Ensure Adobe Reader Installation: Verify that Adobe Reader 10 or higher is installed on your device. This version is necessary to properly display IRCC forms which contain specific features not supported by other PDF readers.

2. Download the PDF File Correctly: For PC users, right-click the link of the desired document and select “Save link as” to download the file. Ensure that you save the file in a memorable location. Mac users should control-click the link and choose “Download linked file.” After downloading, locate the file using Finder or Windows Explorer.

3. Open with Adobe Reader: Open the downloaded file specifically with Adobe Reader. Avoid using the browser or any other software to open the document as it might not display the form correctly. If issues persist, consider reinstalling Adobe Reader or updating it to the latest version.

4. Check for Error Messages: If an error message appears, such as problems with validating the form, ensure that all mandatory fields are filled, and the formatting of entered data, like dates, is correct. Avoid using special characters in the form fields.

5. Adjust Browser Settings: Make sure your web browser is up to date. Older versions of browsers might not be compatible with the IRCC’s online services. Clearing the browser’s cache and cookies can also resolve access issues.

Contacting IRCC for Unresolved Document Access Problems

If the above steps do not resolve the document access issues, applicants should contact IRCC directly. The recommended method is using the IRCC web form, available 24/7, where one can describe the nature of their problem, attach screenshots of the error, and provide detailed information about the attempts made to resolve the issue. It is also beneficial to call the IRCC Call Centre at 1–888–242–2100 during operational hours for direct assistance. Ensure to document the call’s details, such as the date, time, and the agent’s name, for future reference.

Validation and Barcode Generation Errors

Properly Using the ‘Validate’ Button

When completing an IRCC document, it is essential for applicants or their representatives to click on the ‘validate’ button located at the bottom of the form. This step is crucial as it ensures that all provided information meets the document’s formatting requirements and, if correct, generates a unique barcode for the application. If the ‘validate’ button does not work, several troubleshooting steps can be taken. These include updating Adobe Reader to the latest version, using a laptop instead of a mobile device, ensuring all mandatory fields are filled, checking the date formats, and removing any special characters from the form.

Common Validation Error Messages and Fixes

Applicants may encounter a “Validation error” message if mandatory fields are not completed correctly. To avoid this, one should leave the Unique Client Identifier (UCI) field blank if it is their first application, ensure eligibility for the program applied for, and use the original digital version of the form downloaded from the IRCC website. Additionally, updating the web browser to the latest version and checking that no documents have expired can prevent validation errors.

Ensuring Barcodes are Correctly Generated

After successfully validating the form, a new page with barcodes should appear at the end of the document. If barcodes do not appear, it indicates issues with the form’s completion. It is crucial to ensure that all required fields are filled out and that no information is missing. If fields are incomplete, they will be outlined in red with a description of what is missing. For the barcodes to be generated correctly, applicants must avoid filling out the form by hand, as this prevents barcode generation. Once generated, the barcode page(s) should be placed on top of the application forms and supporting documents when submitting.

Web Browser Compatibility Issues

Compatible Web Browsers for IRCC Applications

For individuals applying for a Canada PR visa, it is essential to use a web browser that supports the latest security protocols to ensure a seamless application process. The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) platform requires browsers that support encryption using Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or higher. The recommended browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge. These browsers are known for maintaining high security standards and are regularly updated to handle new security challenges.

Updating Browser Versions for a Smoother Application Process

Applicants may experience difficulties accessing the IRCC’s online services if their browser is not up to date. To prevent these issues, it is advised to regularly check and update the web browser to the newest version. This ensures compatibility with the latest web standards and security protocols required by IRCC. For example, Microsoft Edge should be version 106 or higher, Google Chrome should be version 30 or higher, Mozilla Firefox should be version 27 or higher, and Safari should be version 8 or higher. Updating the browser not only enhances security but also improves the overall functionality and speed of the online application process.

Clearing Cache and Cookies to Resolve Loading Problems

When applicants face issues such as slow loading times or error messages during their application process, clearing the browser’s cache and cookies can often resolve these problems. This action helps in removing stored data that could be causing the website to perform poorly. To clear the cache and cookies, users can go to their browser settings and find the privacy or history section. Here, they can select the options to clear browsing history, cached images and files, and cookies. After performing these steps, it is beneficial to restart the browser to ensure all changes take effect. This can lead to improved performance and fewer errors when accessing the IRCC online services.


Navigating the complexities of the IRCC application process presents unique challenges that can impede one’s journey towards obtaining a Canadian PR visa. This article has explored the most common pitfalls, including inaccurate or incomplete application forms, document upload issues, technical glitches, and more, providing practical solutions to each. By understanding these obstructions and adopting the recommended practices — such as ensuring all information is accurate, documents are in the correct format, and utilizing compatible web browsers — applicants can significantly enhance the efficiency and success rate of their applications.

The broader implications of these insights cannot be understated, as they not only facilitate a smoother application process but also underscore the importance of attention to detail and adherence to IRCC guidelines. For those looking to apply, taking these lessons to heart can avoid unnecessary delays or rejections, paving the way for a more straightforward path to achieving their Canadian dreams. Applicants are encouraged to use this knowledge proactively, consulting with immigration professionals if needed, to navigate this intricate process with greater confidence and ease.


What should I do if my IRCC application is delayed?

If you experience an unusually long delay in the processing of your IRCC application, consider seeking legal assistance. A lawyer can help you draft and submit a formal inquiry through the IRCC web form, emphasizing the prolonged processing time and its adverse effects.

How long does it typically take for IRCC to assess eligibility?

The duration for IRCC to review eligibility varies based on the type of application and where it is submitted from. For applications submitted from within Canada, both online and paper-based processes usually take between 10 to 27 days. For those applying from outside Canada, processing times differ according to the applicant’s country of residence. Check the IRCC website for specific times relevant to your location.

Why might my Canada visa application be delayed?

Several factors can contribute to delays in the processing of your Canada visa application. These include extended time required for medical and security screenings, the necessity of an interview, or if you choose to communicate through mail rather than an online account.

Does IRCC monitor applicants’ social media accounts?

Yes, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), along with the Canada Border Services Agency, routinely checks the information provided in applications against the applicant’s social media and public profiles. Any inconsistencies found between your application details and your online presence could lead to a refusal of your application.

