How to Stop Worrying About Money and Start Attracting it Instead

Vikram Anand
4 min readOct 26, 2022


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Those who tell you that money can’t buy happiness are likely struggling financially themselves. Let’s accept the practical reality that money is important for happiness and enjoying a decent quality of life.

At the outset, let us understand how to quit attracting poverty so I can suggest how to use the Law of Attraction to bring in more money. If you’re in a “poor” financial situation right now, it’s because your beliefs and attitudes are drawing in hardship.

The old adages “money is hard to come by” and “save for a rainy day” are just two examples of such beliefs. Let me assure you that you don’t have to accept these fallacies — you have the freedom to believe anything you like. The majority of those who are financially strapped follow the money-related attitudes of those who are also financially insecure. So, to get richer, you need to change your mindset. It’s interesting how ‘beliefs’ can draw in external evidence to support the idea that they’re true. Ask yourself, “Would you rather believe that money comes readily and frequently than accept the old notion that it is difficult to earn money?”

It’s important to overcome all the limiting beliefs which have stopped you from tapping your infinite potential and seeking abundance. The following are the recommendations by Tony Robbins to help you overcome your limiting beliefs:


The first step to overcoming limiting beliefs is to define and identify them. Limiting beliefs are ideas we hold about ourselves and the world that prevent us from becoming the best version of ourselves.


The number one reason people don’t achieve their goals is because they never take responsibility for their lives. Once you start taking responsibility and total ownership for your life, things will start working in your favour.


Why is overcoming limiting beliefs so difficult? The answer is that we all crave certainty. It’s one of the most powerful Six Human Needs and in small doses, it gives us comfort and stability in our lives. Certainty kills dreams — and limiting beliefs are certainty’s best friend. Instead of thinking about what you’ll never do, dream big. Use the rocking chair test: When you’re old and gray, looking back on your life, what will you most regret? That’s a powerful motivator for overcoming limiting beliefs.


Write down any negative thoughts and notice which ones come up repeatedly — those are your limiting beliefs. Make a conscious effort to catch them, stop them and replace them with more empowering thoughts.


Once your old, limiting beliefs about yourself are largely eradicated; now it’s time to replace them with new ones. Here is an exercise that will help you:

Although this is a short activity, its usefulness should not be underestimated.

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for around 5 minutes. As simple as it sounds, this is meditation. Then, after 5 minutes, try imagining yourself in a comfortable financial position. Take a few minutes and act out your ideal existence. Last but not least, take a minute or two and affirm your new outlook on yourself. Some examples of this are using the following affirmations:

“I have a lot of money”

“I am capable of attracting whatever sum of money that I desire.”

“I finally bought my ideal house,” “My life has finally come full circle,” etc.

This whole process shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes per morning, but it can have a dramatic impact on your financial status over time. And it’s a lot of fun, so it’s a win in every sense of the word.

The next practice is deceptively simple, yet it may be the single most effective action you can do to improve your financial situation. You need just focus your thoughts and energy on your ideal financial condition rather than your actual one. If you dwell on your financial woes, you’ll continue to attract more of the same.

This is why I want you to pretend as though you are already wealthy. Pretend you have more money than everyone else in town. Pretend as though money is no objection and you can purchase everything you like. You will soon find that new opportunities for growing your income will start manifesting. Then you MUST ACT. Actions are the channels of translating your vision into desired. So you need to act your part.

The truly amazing part is that you won’t have to do any “acting” for much longer and you will be on the path of fulfilling your desires.



Vikram Anand

I am driven by the purpose of helping people to experience life of abundance & prosperity! Download Copy of Unlock Your Wealth DNA=>