If Ramayana happened in Bangalore 2023 Part 3

Vikram Chandrashekar
3 min readSep 26, 2023


If you havent read the previous parts

Link to part 2 https://medium.com/@vikramchan/if-ramayana-happened-in-bangalore-2023-part-2-8d7be4a7c7d6

The servants then decided to leave it to the boss and the main servant who himself was an auto driver in the past to decide the way forward. The boss said he had left B.T.M layout and would cross Silk board in a few hours and they should all wait.
While they were waiting one of the servants overheard a conversation among the auto drivers. They were playing a game of area names/places and their imaginary originations. HSR is a short form for HaSiRu said one of them meaning greenery which made them all guffaw. The next one was Tavarekere which was named after Chris Tavare the English cricketer and even today the traffic in the area pays homage by moving at a km/hr.

Meanwhile the boss has instructed his trusted man-Friday to go ahead first in search of the lady. Since he was adept at flying he had a bird’s eye view of the area he could move faster. He eventually reached The Republic of WTF (Whitefield) where the kidnapper had housed Sita in a 3 BHK with a huge balcony that was covered by the shade of an old Ashoka tree.The servant could recognize the boss lady from far away on the balcony drying her hair.

The kidnapper had asked Sita to marry him both with love by feeding her ghee pudi idlis from the newly opened Rameshwaram café branch and with threat of staying in the apaartment for ever alternately. The cafe’s name made Sita think of her husband even more and also about the good times of having idlis with chutney at the Brahmins coffee bar.

The helicopter roaming around the area and the loud playing of Hello from the other side on his speakers had alerted the 10-apartment owner in the colony. Sensing trouble he set his security guards to shoot down the helicopter. The guards were successful in burning the tail of the helicopter which fell on the dried leaves in the colony and started a raging fire in the colony. Being a very skilled pilot the servant managed to maneuver the broken aircraft and start his journey towards where his boss was supposed to meet the other servants.
The Bangalore evening rains had started pouring by then and had started flooding the roads. The ambitious metro project on the outer ring road further enhanced the canals (We have our own Venice) which were flowing up to their brim in most places and some overflowing too. The auto drivers started demanding prices of an auto each to cross the canals and reach Whitefield. This worried Rama and was in deep thought sipping on a strong filter coffee he had carried in a flask from the other side. He came up with the thought of calling his friend who had high connections in BBMP to ask if a temporary bridge could be built quickly to cross the canals but was disappointed to be met with an “Aayee neev bere, Adella sumne time wasteu”.. The man-Friday who had reached by then came to the rescue again. He convinced the auto drivers that he would send them a funny video or meme every day from the happenings on the other side and they should use their skills of inverting their autos to be used as flotation devices and help crossover in return.

