If Ramayana happened in Bengaluru: 2023

Vikram Chandrashekar
3 min readMar 17, 2023


The Sharmas lived as a rich joint family in their ancestral home in Basavangudi. The whole family lived happily having breakfasts in Brahmins cafe bar and Vidyarthi bhavan till that day. Due to some misunderstanding among the elders the eldest son Ram Sharma and his wife were asked to leave the house. They moved into a small apartment near Madivala lake and decided to spend time indoors because of the traffic and pollution in the area though there was a lot of greenery within the apartment complex. This was the sort of life that they weren’t used to. A few faithful servants and a brother accompanied them to stay at the apartment.

One day the lady of the house was feeling sick and they zoom called the ayurvedic doctor who treated them regularly. He recommended they get a particular leaf and prepare a concoction with coffee beans to cure the illness. The leaf he said was available only near Agara lake. One of the servants started on his bike and reached the silk board signal. Seeing the traffic, he parked the bike and decided a private helicopter is what makes sense, but since he didn’t have the plane or the skills to fly one, he started bravely to cross the signal on foot. The lady felt better after taking the medicine.

Several days later Ram was called upon for a physical work opportunity in the V.V Puram area. He hadn’t savored a good dose and a dippu idli for a long time and started dreaming of it. He asked his brother if he was willing to join him for a while and of course, the brother agreed with joy. Considering they would be late to come back home they told the lady to stay indoors and not try and cross the silk board junction. The brothers told her there were events of kidnapping on the other side of the street and she should be careful to stay “within the border”.

The lady knew that the brothers would have a go at the food street and New Modern hotel and started salivating at the thought. She told the servants she is going for a walk around the lake since it had been several days since she got some fresh air. She intended to cross the silk board and eat a masal dose + a straang filter kaapi at the newly opened Ram’eswaram across the silk board. The doctor had warned her that she will take some time to recover and should avoid spice and too much fat. In her mind, she thought it is after 6 months and it should be fine

After eating a pudi idli and ghee dose she dreaded the thought of crossing the silk board again to get back home. A “good” samaritan who saw her worried, told her that he would drop her on the other side as he was also taking the same route.

The brothers returned home and when they didn’t find her started looking all around. She had left her phone at home and they didn’t know where to look beyond the lake. The servants were sent in all directions. the favourite one who now had skills of crossing the silk board was sent with a couple of friends to look beyond the borders. He was instructed to go to any distance even up to the next town (Whitefield) if need be …

