The Power of being Unconventional: Rethinking your Lifestyle.

Vikram Jit Singh Kohli
3 min readSep 13, 2023


Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash

If you can’t think for yourself, you’ll always be working for someone else.

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, one thing is absolutely clear: Most of us have been conditioned to think in a certain way.

From young professionals stepping into the corporate world to seasoned professionals trying to climb the corporate ladder, there’s a pervasive myth that we agree to without even trying to question it.

It’s the myth of convention and “the way things are done.”

“He was blessed with an unconventional mind, which overcame his conventional middle-class upbringing.”
― Michael M. Lewis

There is one reality we often ignore:

Many believe that the way to success, happiness, and contentment is through only making conventional choices which have been set by our society.

They have been conditioned in such a way that they can’t think of something else.

You’ve probably heard these many times:

  • Secure a stable job, even if it turns every day into a competitive battle and even if you have to tolerate disrespect from your seniors.
  • Own the latest smartphone, allowing those short-term moments of dopamine to convince you of its necessity.
  • Acquire a degree, land a job, and work diligently for someone else’s dream, even if it means losing sight of your own.

On top of it, there’s an overwhelming push; run the rat race, even if you’re not sure why you started in the first place.

But here’s a question: is adhering to the norm the ONLY way to find fulfillment? Does this guarantee you success?

Here’s what Embracing Unconventional Wisdom means:

Imagine a world where:

  • You’re not bound by a desk or a cubicle.
  • Remote work isn’t just about escaping traffic; it’s about doing the work as per your liking and choosing your daily environment.
  • The choice to go minimalistic isn’t trendy. It’s a conscious decision to choose peace, reducing the constant noise and valuing what you genuinely cherish.
  • Consuming content becomes a source of growth. Every movie, book, or podcast is a chance to evolve, learn, and develop your horizons.
  • The focus shifts from mere existence to thriving. Every meal, activity, and decision emphasize holistic well-being.

That’s what true unconventional wisdom means.

It’s not a rebellious outcry against tradition, but a passionate plea to engage with the world more deliberately.

The Fear of choosing the unconventional

This path is only for those who have the courage to be disliked and unapproved by others.

Yes, choosing the unconventional path will earn you some raised eyebrows and you might even be ridiculed outrightly.

The fear of repercussions, especially in a corporate environment, can be paralyzing. “What if I lose my job? What if I can’t fit in?”

But here’s the thing; every significant change, every invention, every new thing which has been created in the world began with someone daring to question, dare, and think differently.

They were the history makers who chose the unconventional path against all odds.

A Call to Action

If you’ve ever taken a step away from the ‘usual,’ deviated from the ‘expected,’ or simply found joy in the ‘unconventional,’ do share your journey in the comments section!

It’s time we inspire and empower each other to redefine success, happiness, and fulfillment.

Together, let’s make a difference by living a life that’s not just lived, but truly felt.

Embrace the unconventional. Challenge the status quo. And above all, live with intention.



Vikram Jit Singh Kohli

Passionate about transforming lives through Motivation, Spirituality & Growth Mindset. Always being Grateful!