Best Flutter Extensions for VS Code

Vikranth Salian
9 min readApr 5, 2023


Flutter is emerging as one of the finest options for Start-ups and big businesses, It is well-established among the new wave of cross-platform technology solutions that aim to suit various project types using reusable code and many other features.

Using whatever text editor or IDE to create apps is possible with Flutter thanks to its flexibility. It is, however, a vastly superior development experience to work with IDEs whereby the Flutter Team has developed plugin support. Test and analyze tools, syntax outlining, code generators, and widget editing tools are some of the features that make the process of creating an app simpler and more efficient.

Developers expect handy tools and extensions to boost efficiency and productivity in the workplace. The extensions listed below for Visual Studio Code will help you work more productively and enjoy developing more. These extensions will be beneficial for increasing motivation for development and improving time management, regardless of even if you are new to development or operate as a professional.

Why VS Code is good for Flutter development?

The fact that VS Code allows you to perform Flutter commands directly from the editor makes it a terrific tool for all programming languages, but it’s especially useful for Flutter development. By selecting the correct button in VS Code, you may move between the web and Android environments in addition to Flutter’s default iOS environment. Furthermore, it has a unique Hello World app for kicking off fresh projects.

Before creating an app in Flutter, it’s helpful to give Visual Studio Code a try. A wide range of additional capabilities are available in the extension store of Visual Studio Code, which makes it the best option for Flutter development. Its support for both Dart and Flutter is another benefit of using VS Code for Flutter development. On a Visual Studio Marketplace, you can find these extensions. Following the instructions on the website will allow you to install the necessary extensions. One well-liked IDE for developing Flutter applications is Visual Studio Code. Just make certain you download the latest one. As well as tutorials, Visual Studio Code offers them. Best Flutter VS Code Extension To increase efficiency and productivity at work, developers need to be aware of useful extensions and tools. As the number of Flutter users increases considerably, there is a sizable selection of addons and extension on the market that aid developers in becoming more productive. Let’s now examine some of the well-liked flutter vs. code extensions you might utilize to increase your productivity.

Best Flutter Extensions for VS Code

1.Awesome Flutter Snippets (88,396 installs | 5-star ratings)

2.Pubsec Assist (350,255 installs | 4.9 star ratings)

3.Error Lens (1,317,186 intalls | 4.9 stars ratings)

4.Better Comments (3,940,955 installs | 4.9 stars rating)

5.New Relic Code Stream (249,621 installs | 4.4-star ratings)

6.JSON to Dart Model (83,082 installs | 4.9-star ratings)

7.Stack Finder for Stack Overflow (9962 installs | 4-star ratings)

8.Maven for Java (17,244,939 installs | 4-star ratings)

9.GitHub Co-pilot (2,872,338 installs | 4-star ratings)

10.Flutter Stylizer (118,378 installs | 4.9-star ratings)

11.Markdown lint (4,369,291 installs | 4.5-star ratings)

#1. Awesome Flutter Snippets (88,396 installs | 5-star ratings) It’s a best flutter extensions for vs code provided by Neevash Ramdial (Nash) who has been involved with flutter from its inception and is the main contributor in the flutter community. There are no known difficulties with this extension, but if there are, please contact us. You can get in touch with Neevash Ramdial (Nash) personally if you have any problems and need assistance. A group of frequently used Flutter classes & functions can be found in Awesome Flutter Snippets. By removing most of the boilerplate code necessary to create a widget, it speeds up development. By inputting the shortcuts for each, you may construct widgets like StreamBuilder & SingleChildScrollView. This is made easier by the 42 shortcuts. The

Awesome Flutter Snippet has the following features:

a. Quick Development

b. Eliminate Boilerplate

c. Complex Widget Support

2. Pubsec Assist (350,255 installs | 4.9 star ratings) A pubsec.yaml file is present in every Flutter project. The dependencies required to create your project or application are contained in this file. The package version, fonts, assets, or graphics are contained in the Pubspec.yaml file. A crucial file is Pubsec.yaml. The package won’t install correctly if even one incorrect interval causes an error. An excellent Visual Studio Code addon is Pubspec Assist. It enables developers to easily add dependencies & developmental requirements to Dart & Flutter project’s pubsec.yaml without leaving the editor. Beginning with Dart version 2.5, this capability is pre-installed.

Some of the features of PubSec Assist are as follows:

a. Latest version of vs code

b. Automatically sort dependencies

c. Multiple project compatibility

d. Fuzzy search

3. Error Lens (1,317,186 intalls | 4.9 stars ratings) A crucial VS Code flutter extension is Error Lens. We all encounter problems while creating projects or apps, such as missing semicolons or parenthesis, etc. The errors that we frequently see are mentioned below in the console. The effort of identifying the line error that is occurring and then fixing the problem becomes challenging and time-consuming when there are numerous errors in the console. Therefore, we offer a vs code flutter extension called Error Lens that makes error fixing quicker and easier. In the event of an error, the error lens will immediately and in red color indicate the error at the end of that line. This makes it easier for us to identify the sort of error we committed, enabling us to quickly fix it and thereby save a great deal of time. It enables you to create individualized projects with 6 instructions, 49 settings, and 26 colors.

Some of the features of Error Lens includes:

a. Draw attention to lines with diagnostics

b. Add a diagnostic at the end of the line as text.

c. Toggle icons in the gutter

d. Message displayed in status bar

4. Better Comments (3,940,955 installs | 4.9 stars rating) In the list of flutter VS Code extensions used by developers. It assists in creating colourful remarks, which improves readability. This facilitates better maintenance of the code comments. Comments benefit us or other developers on the team. In the comments section, you can include to-do items to ensure that you don’t forget any crucial tasks in the future. You can organize your comments into the following categories and it supports 80 languages, making it more user-friendly:

5. New Relic Code Stream (249,621 installs | 4.4-star ratings) Next on the list of best flutter extensions for vs code is Code Stream. The developer collaboration platform New Relic CodeStream incorporates necessary development tools in Visual Studio code. All your necessary development tools, including GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Slack, Teams, Jira, Trello, and others, are integrated into VS Code through the developer collaboration platform called CodeStream. By incorporating code review into VS Code, CodeStream lessens the need for context switching and boosts developer productivity. If you have a group of developers and frequently work with them, this plugin is helpful.

6. JSON to Dart Model (83,082 installs | 4.9-star ratings) This library generates all the Dart classes necessary to parse or generate JSON when given a JSON string. Our JSON file can be easily transformed into a flutter-friendly Dart class with the help of this plugin. The JSON to Dart Model Extension supports both manually serializing and serializing JSON. The JSON Serializable and Freezed code-generation libraries are used. Dart to JSON Model Generator creates your JSON object into separate files and thanks to this if similar structures are detected generator will create them into different files and merge them with path (import) no matter how named your objects are. In this way, you can keep your code cleaner and more readable. The pathname in the first will be renamed with the class name added as a prefix to show from which class the objects are. If the names continue to be duplicated then will be marked with the index for infinity renaming. It has features such as Annotations, speed up converting, Enhanced file names, Context actions, Avoid dynamic Types, Suffix for from/to, Codecs encode/decode.

7. Stack Finder for Stack Overflow (9962 installs | 4-star ratings) Next on the list of flutter vs code extensions is Stack Finder. We utilize Stack Overflow to run into errors and find solutions to our issues. to make things easier and increase output The Stack Finder addon assists us in solving any issues that arise while working on projects. Open Google Chrome and perform a Stack Overflow search instead of switching tabs. We may easily search for solutions from the code editor with the help of this addon, which aids in problem solving. The procedure runs smoothly. 8. Maven for Java (17,244,939 installs | 4-star ratings) Maven is a piece of software that makes managing Java projects and automating application builds easier. You may explore Maven projects, use Maven commands, and complete build lifecycle and plugin tasks by using the Maven for Java extension for Visual Studio Code. Adding the Extension Pack for Java is advised since it offers Maven support and other crucial Java development tools. This VS Code extensions for flutter enhance the user experience for Java developers who use Maven is enhanced by the project explorer and shortcuts to run Maven commands.

a. Assistance with project generation using Maven Archetype.

b. Aid in producing efficient POM.

c. To make common, plugin, and customized commands faster to access, provide shortcuts.

d. To quickly rerun a command, save its history.

9. GitHub Co-pilot (2,872,338 installs | 4-star ratings) This vs code flutter extension allows you to create code more quickly and with less effort with the aid of GitHub Co-pilot, an AI pair programmer. It uses context from comments and code to rapidly recommend certain lines and entire functions. Codex, an Open AI-developed generative pretrained language model, powers GitHub Co-pilot. It is offered as an add-on for the JetBrains family of integrated development environments, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neo vim, and others (IDEs).

10. Flutter Stylizer (118,378 installs | 4.9-star ratings) Developer’s productivity is decreased while they must deal with huge unstructured code base. This flutter vs code extensions erases this problem by organizing your methods in a consistent and opinionated way. This tool organizes the classes within the file in the following manner: Constructor — named constructor — public static variables — public instance variables — public override variables — private static variables — private instance variables — public override methods — other public methods — build method. Flutter itself provides formatting choices, however, it only formats Dart files and it doesn’t re-order the code. Flutter formats the code based on these formatting rules. You can find more about this in the document here.

11. Markdown lint (4,369,291 installs | 4.5-star ratings) The and files are not guaranteed to be error-free by any of the compilers in the Flutter project. To address this, the Markdown lint plugin offers a set of recommendations that promote standards and uniformity in Markdown files. Use this vs code flutter extension to locally check for issues and double-check the material before live publication. For additional information on rules, look at the user handbook. You may spot mistakes like several straight blank lines, heading levels that should increase by one, and a list that should have blank lines around it in the accompanying image. On a similar topic, I’d like to inform you that the Preview button in VS Code allows you to see Markdown files in a preview mode.

Conclusion :

This brings to the end of the list of best flutter extensions for vs code covers the most useful VS Code flutter extensions that every Flutter developer should have. Your developer efficiency in Flutter as well as other frameworks will undoubtedly increase with the help of all these extensions. However, it ultimately comes down to the user’s needs and choosing the feature or bundle which seems the most logical. These options are available to speed up and simplify your development process.

Happy Coding!!!.

