Readings: ‘Peak: The new Science of the Expertise’

1 min readApr 23, 2016


Author: Anders Ericsson

An excellent book. It’s a must read.

  1. ‘Deliberate practice’ leads to expertise
  2. ‘Deliberate practice’: a) Learn the mental representations of the existing expertise; b) Feedback important to identify and analyze area of improvements c) Focussed practice on area of improvements d) Role of experts (teachers) become important as the outcome results in type of training exercises — the training techniques take primary importance ; e) Marginal increments consistently beyond the comfort zone important
  3. The plateaus in improvements/learning can be overcome by modified practice or approach
  4. Hard-work and practice are invariably required to become experts. The hard work results in continuous refining of mental representations which helps to ‘act’ .
  5. The ‘born genius’ is a myth — high IQ may help in quick learning of fundamentals but enormous no of hours are invariably required for becoming an expert
  6. The changes in the brain are different for children and adults — however both body and brains are adaptive. There’s no age where one cannot start his journey to expertise — the best in the world and beyond
  7. The trendmakers appear when they reach the frontiers of their field by copying the experts and then go beyond. It’s a long journey
  8. The earlier a child starts his journey towards a selected area of expertise, the faster he’ll become an expert.

