Hello Monday — Acceptance

Susan Vilanova
2 min readJul 3, 2017


July 3, 2017

Hello Monday !

You challenge me with acceptance and I will not shy away. Deep within my thoughts, words, and actions, hidden in my subconscious reactions, are things that trigger me, contradict me, and ideas I stubbornly deny. This week I will accept who I am, and I will accept that same “I am” in others. I will think twice before refusing a new idea and I will try harder, to view every situation from a different, more accepting, perspective. I will open my heart to the endless diversities in the world and break free of my established routines, by trying new foods, welcoming new knowledge, and engaging with new people. Consequently, in the richness of this experience, I transform into a healthier, truer and more loving version of myself.

Acceptance is a way of life, a state of mind, and a stimulation towards loving actions. Acceptance is not to mistakenly be confused with passivity and inertia. Acceptance is being flexible in our actions, open-minded in our opinions, and compassionate in our relationships. When we shy away from acceptance we deny ourselves growth, opportunities, and demonstrations of love that may spontaneously come our way. This week faithfully accept the challenge to practice acceptance. What you are pushing away, may genuinely be what you seek or need.

Happy Monday





Susan Vilanova

Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science, B.Msc — Life Coach / Energy Therapist / Metaphysical Practitioner / Herbalist / Writer www.suvilanov.com