Minimal Website Designs for Inspiration

Ronalds Vilcins
2 min readOct 11, 2015

A well-designed website with a minimalist style may look simple, but they’re not always easy to design. Minimal design is actually a lot more difficult to achieve than you might think. Keeping things simple is the whole purpose of minimal design.

For inspiration, take a look at these 10 minimalist, clean, and simple website designs.

  1. Design Jobs Board — I love the color scheme!

2. Animade — Beautiful animations in center of page, pleasure of viewing the site.

3. Christopher Ireland

4. Y7K

5. Sylvain Reucherand

6. Nördik Impakt

7. Jake Dow-Smith

8. Barkas

9. Panache

10. Make Me Pulse

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Ronalds Vilcins

I drink a lot of tea and build beautiful websites. If you are looking to work together or just start a conversation 👉