Photoshop Extensions for Front-end Developers
3 min readJul 23, 2015
Photoshop has its limitations, which means we have to find other ways around certain problems. Today I’m showcasing some of the best photoshop extensions for front-end developers to speed up workflow.
- CSS Hat 2 — Select any Photoshop Layer and get CSS instantly.
- Cut&Slice Me — Use Cut&Slice me to export your assets to different devices in seconds. Improve your workflow by just naming your layers.
- CSS3Ps — Free cloud based photoshop plugin that converts your layers to CSS3.
- Layrs Control 2 — Free Photoshop extension. A collection of 7 scripts that make tedious job easier.
- BlendMe.In — Lets you search through thousands of SVG icons and vector objects right inside Photoshop itself.
- LiveShare — InVision extension — LiveShare lets you transform your designs into beautiful, interactive web & mobile ( iOS, Android) mockups and prototypes.
- Devine Elemente — Allows you to convert a layered PSD file into a full WordPress website including HTML, CSS and PHP files.
- GuideGuide — Creates guides and grids based on your document or the selection.
- Renamy — Multiple layers renaming Photoshop plugin. You can select a lot of layers and rename it in 1 click. Find and Replace. Use simple text find and replace for layer names.
- Web Zap — Create website mock-ups in Photoshop super fast with this great plugin. Web Zap allows you to drag and drop website elements from and library of thousands of styles and components.
- Flaticon — Use the FlatIcon plugin to quickly find the icons you need for your design, without leaving your working environment. 63,914 icons available.
- Social Kit — Cover images, profile pictures and ad banners in a free up-to-date Photoshop plugin.
- PixelDropr — PixelDropr lets you save your elements and other objects of a project to be used at any time in other projects.
- Extensis — Google Web Fonts right from within Photoshop.
- Bounce — Intergrate Dribbble into your design apps.
- Ink — A photoshop documentor plugin.
- SpecKing — SpecKing is a Photoshop plugin that provides tools to generate design specs and annotations in a fast and easy way — saving you hours of work!
- Oven — Oven it’s a Photoshop plugin that helps you generate layers ready to be exported for iOS and Android.
- Size Marks — Size Marks is a helpful Photoshop script for web designers and front-end engineers. Script converts rectangular marquee to labeled measurement mark. Landscape marquee → horizontal mark. Portrait or square marquee → vertical mark.
- Subtle Patterns — Imagine the immense library from Subtle Patterns, fed directly into your Photoshop panel — always in sync!
- Velositey — Prototype the design of your website in seconds in Photoshop.
- Font Awesome — Font Awesome icons right inside Adobe Photoshop.
- Duplllicator — Clone layer or group and shift it horizontally or vertically with this extension.
- — Screens with alternate versions, webfonts and assets extracted with a single click. The fastest plugin out there and the only one that actually works!
- Assistor PS — Ultimate 9 in 1 tool, especially made for UI Designers.