Vishvaraj Infrastructure Limited

vishvaraj infra
2 min readOct 25, 2016


Vishvaraj Infrastructure Limited (VIL) task is to create Sustainable, efficient & Accountable — environmental services and infrastructure, with People Participation.

India has vast obligation of Infrastructure building and development. The PPP route was recognized in last decade also saw some lean time. With New government initiative the PPP has again come with better risk sharing matrix between private and public.

VIL has been a proponent of PPP model, and has established track record in Road and highways sector. With Urban Infrastructure foray in Water, it is today the only Indian Utility with ongoing projects in Water distribution as well as Waste water treatment and Reuse.

With Water scarcity hitting the country in a big way , with sustainability point of view ,VIL’s example of Total Integrated water management at Nagpur is being followed by the whole nation.

Treating Sewage as Water Source and reuse for commercial/industrial purpose is key to releasing fresh water used by Industry for drinking, without augmenting fresh sources.

Govt. also realized the rational, and is supporting with policies promoting treated water use after the successful endeavor of Nagpur.

This has opened gates for USD 45bn+ drinking water and USD 25 bn+ sewage and reuse market for Private participation in India. Large Programs like Namami Gange ( Ganga Cleaning) is based on Hybrid Annuity PPP model.

We believe in creating value for ALL stakeholders by removing inefficiencies. We consider ourselves as social entrepreneurs since Water, Waste Water and Transport; the sectors in which we have built our reputation are closely interwoven with the lives of people. As business, apart from value creation for share holders they also impact happiness quotient of the people, thus offering enormous satisfaction to us for our life transforming work.

With the understanding and sensitivity towards Indian culture, we see huge opportunities by improvising processes and effectively implementing the 4P model with the addition of a 4th P i.e. People — the citizens at large. In our opinion no business model can be sustainable in the long run without benefiting and involving the largest stakeholder i.e. the people.

Our insistence on benefits to all stakeholders, ability to structure the proposals accordingly, flexibility and management skills, sensitivity towards Indian culture resulted in the successful acquisition, assimilation and execution of various such projects. I foresee an extremely exciting future for VI L and can confidently state that we shall be the thought leaders in our chosen domain.



vishvaraj infra

Vishvaraj Infras provides global solutions that contribute to sustainable development in the water sector. Nagpur 24X7 water supply is main objective.