Reasons for the popularity of PHP

Itmarkerz Technologies
4 min readOct 18, 2017


Among many PHP is the widely used one. You might have always wondered why PHP is so popular. Every organization is in search of a good PHP development company that can help them with the leading PHP development services. When there are many other scripting languages, why PHP is considered the best. If you are one among those who are in search of a PHP development company, you should know the answer to this question. Many online businesses like Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia etc., use PHP as their scripting language. Now you should surely know why PHP is the best. Let us start with the basics.

Why is PHP used in web development?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, but earlier it stood for Personal Home Page. We have already made it clear that PHP is a scripting language. It is very much suited to server-side web development. It is primarily designed for web development but it can be also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP code can be embedded into HTML or HTML5 markup. It can also be used in combination with various web template systems, web content management systems, and web frameworks.

There are many advantages and benefits that PHP provides to makes it highly popular. We can go through some of these advantages of PHP and find why PHP is the best.

1. PHP is simple

Coding is sometimes a very difficult task for the developers. Coding is the very important part to create and run websites in the most efficient manner. But in PHP, coding is very simple. It also allows the code to be highly personalized and hence it is easier to protect.

2. PHP is free

PHP is an open-source language that is free and easy to use. That means PHP is a cost-effective method to create efficient websites. If you are using PHP, you need not worry about the legal obligations and subscription fees. New website developers can also have simple entry to PHP. PHP gives a good platform for newbies to develop their coding skills.

3. PHP works well with CMS

CMS customization has become a crucial thing for every business. Content has to be personalized so that the visitor will have a one-to-one experience. This can be made possible only if the code of the website can be customized and integrated with the CMS. PHP gives very good opportunity in this regard. All PHP websites are fully customizable and so they can be customized according to the customer’s needs. CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla etc., are all based on PHP. So the customization and integration of CMS become very simple.

4. PHP accepts platform diversity

Another important aspect of PHP is that a code created in PHP can run on any platform. So the developer can seamlessly integrate the website across multiple platforms. Thus it is possible to leverage all the existing infrastructures and platforms cost-effectively. The businesses can also interface their website with MySQL and Apace.

5. PHP is powerful, flexible, and scalable

PHP shows a high level of flexibility, robustness, and scalability. The greatest advantage of PHP over other languages is that the code of the website can be updated without requiring a server boot. You can create a PHP derivative language of your own to meet your content management needs. As it is highly scalable, new extensions are always developed to meet the emerging needs of the business.

6. PHP’s embedded ability

Responsive websites have become the latest trend in software development and it is an unavoidable part of business organizations. HTML5 is very important in this regard. PHP allows its code to be easily embedded into the HTML. So this allows developers to easily convert their static websites to dynamic and responsive ones by adding their PHP code into HTML.

7. PHP is backed by a large community

As I have already mentioned, PHP is an open-source scripting language. So it has a vast community of developers and experts that can be helpful for the beginners. This community is always engaged in solving the latest problems that developers face during the web development process. Also, the popularity of PHP has made developers to offer highly competitive pricing.

8. PHP has a huge standard library

Libraries are very important for a language because they simplify and speeds up the data processing ability of the language. The loading speed is also very crucial to make the visitors stay on to the website. PHP’s library offers good support for HTTP fetching, regular expressions, URL parsing, and database drivers.

9. PHP gives good performance

PHP is fast to develop as well as fast to execute. It is very good at turnaround time. This is possible through the large standard library, a diverse range of extensions, cross-platform functionality, seamless integration with and customization of various CMS, and embed-ability of PHP. The websites that are developed using PHP has fastest data processing features and is compatible with all operating systems.

10. PHP offers diverse frameworks

PHP has a large family of PHP frameworks. So it is able to deliver fast turnaround times. These include Zend, Yii, Laravel, Symfony, Phalcon, PHPixie, and Codeigniter.

Now you have got the answer for why PHP is very popular in web development. If you want to develop a PHP website, hire the best PHP development company. Itmarkerz technologies is one such company that can provide you with quality PHP services.

