How to Get Rid of the Bad Habits You Learned as a Student

Vimal Joe
5 min readAug 9, 2019


It is becoming a threat for the students as they are disillusioned and totally feel directionless when they involve in these activities. And it is crucial to relieve those students to come out of the trap that they have woven for themselves.

One does not have to worry about how to get rid of these activities. By following some of the top ways to break bad habits, students can liberate themselves from these kinds of exercises.

Let’s see what are those control measures and top ways to break bad habits -

Stay Committed

1. Stay Committed — Commitment is very necessary in order to get rid of any particular thing. Commitment can be for any person whom you love, any object, animal. Staying committed can stop a person to do something wrong whether it is drugs intake or partying. For this, the students will have to make their will power strong enough. They can try Yoga and meditation for renewal else they can make a list of things they want to avoid.

Self Motivation

2. Self-Motivation — Motivation is the best technique to dislodge any bad habit and if the person is self-motivated from within then no one can prevent him to get rid of any bad habit. For example, if the students who are drug-addicted, nobody can motivate him to stop consuming drugs unless he tries to shake off the drug habit in himself. If the student wants to leave drugs, he can read what are the side-effects of drugs and how it can harm the body, in this way he can put a step forward for eluding the narcotize.

Eat Healtily

3. Eat Healthily- Eating healthily will compensate for the ill-effects of alcohol and smoke. The students should intake a good amount of fruits and green leafy veggies so as to remain healthy even in the phase of addiction of alcohol and narcotics. The people should eat in small proportions at a short interval and try to avoid drinking cold water. Instead of cold water, they should drink warm or moderate temperature water.

Stay Fit

4. Stay Fit — Exercising is the best phenomenon of flushing out the toxins away from the body. The students should do yoga, aerobics, meditation, dancing, gym in order to remain fit and healthy. The immunity of the person will grow. The students who could not exercise daily can do that skipping 2 or 3 days. It will indemnify the bad effects caused by the drugs on the human body.

Adopt Good Habits

5. Adopt Good Habits — Try to be with the good people who teach you good things. They will help you in diverting your mind from the bad things. Join dance classes, painting classes or anything that interest you. It will not help you in smashing off the bad obsessions but you will also learn a new skill.

Take Adequate Sleep

6. Take Adequate Sleep — Sleeping is good medicine and a proper sleep of 8 hours is very necessary for a person. The persons who have a bad habit of staying up late and getting up late in the morning are more vulnerable to diseases as it is a famous saying, “Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Make it an anthem in your life and you will never be failed in any phase of life and this will eradicate the 90 percent of your awful habits.

Figure out the Reward you are Craving

7. Gauge out the Reward you are Craving — it is about going deeper to know what is the actual satisfaction you are expecting from any activity. If a students who overtake the drugs, he wants to have peace and calmness, this is what he wants, but if he asks himself what is the actual reward that he wants to have, it can be getting away from the negativity of people or maybe his wishes or dreams in life left unfulfilled, maybe his parents are not supportive, so the deeper reason can be anything. It is a famous saying “Know Thyself” as said by Socrates. He means to say that a person should ask themselves why they are getting muddled in these habits. What is the primary motive of convoluting in that obsession? Asking such questions to oneself will figure out many solutions.

It is not easy to get rid of such bad habits but it needs commitment. If a person has decided that he is going to leave these things in the future and he is fully determined then, it will become easy for him to come out of the trap of unhealthy lifestyle habits.



Vimal Joe

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