CodingNotes — a short introduction

2 min readNov 1, 2022


Becoming a developer is not easy. You have to learn a lot of technologies and be comfortable with spending hours each day infront of your computer screen learning hundreds of concepts and memorizing them all.

And the worst thing is that you tend to forget what you have learned the day before. So what should you do ? Always rewatch entire videos or make your own notes ?

Well, I asked myself that same questions when I was learning to code. I would always forget what I was studying so I forced myself to make notes using an app. The problem with this is that it takes a ridiculous amount of time. But I still made these notes because it was the only way for me to learn.

Sounds familiar ? Well, today I want to introduce you to something that will radically reduce the amount of time you will spend doing your notes. To be exact, it will bring it down to 0 minutes.

Introducing CodingNotes, a new way for learning to code. CodingNotes provides comprehensive and detailed notes on the important topics of various languages like HTML/ CSS, JavaScript , React and NextJS.

But what about studying the concepts ? Well, CodingNotes got you covered. With hundreds of flashcards for each language, it ensures that you stay on track and learn as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Forget painstakingly making your own notes and learning them in an unefficient way. Instead, use notes that have been created, edited and organized for months combined with highly effective flashcards that are so good that you will still remember everything tomorrow you learned today. And best of all, they will be available for an affordable price of 5–10 dollars.

It has never been easier to find what you need. Instantly search for a specific term in your notes, instantly learn the topic with the appropriate flashcards. This is CodingNotes !

Check it out here .

CodingNotes is also on Product Hunt today so consider giving it an upvote CodingNotes — Notes and flashcards for various programming languages (




Software developer 👨‍💻 and Notion enthusiast✍️ driven to make the world better. Visit me at ✅ and 🚀