Why you should use Trave

Vimukthi Deshan
4 min readJul 23, 2024


This is where you find fellow travelers and plan trips. I started working on this a couple of months ago as my college end-of-year project, and after a month, I continued developing it at BuildSpace. here are a few reasons why you should start using Trave.

  1. help you organize your trips
  2. find travelers based on your location and make new friends
  3. find or add accommodation
  4. find events

5. write blogs

let’s go through each one of them

  1. Organizing trips

the moment you get an idea of a trip. you can open Trave and add it to your list.

screenshots from trave interface

once you add the trip it will be displayed in the flowing window. based on the type of your trip options can differ. here In this instance, I have taken a public trip. there you have a group chat and you can add notes & plan events you can invite friends if they’re not in your friend list you can send them an email. incoming updates you will be able to when writing blogs about the trips all of your notes & events will appear there. so you will never forget to share a single story. And you will be able to see people with the same plans so you never have to wait until your friend says yes to your trip. don't forget to plan accommodations as well.

screenshots from trave interface

2. find travelers based on your location & make new friends

I added this feature based on my experience. If I had waited for my friends to say yes to my trips I would never have watched those beautiful sunsets on those huge hills.

though It was a coincidence that I started solo traveling. But I love solo traveling especially solo hiking. but sometimes when I go to the beach sides I like to make new friends and hang out with people. For you, this might be the opposite. for that Trave got the following

screenshots from trave interface

the way this works is pretty simple. It takes your current location and shows users within 8km. you can visit their profile if you like the person you can add them to your friends list by clicking the plus mark.

If you love to scroll, which I don't recommend we got a something for you too. But you can see what your friends and others did during the day we got a scrolling wall.

screenshots from trave interface

3. Accommodation

screenshots from trave interface

You don't have to be a hotel owner to provide accommodation and make money. For travelers, you don't need to be a millionaire to travel around the world. you might have an extra bedroom in your house. you might have an extra bed in your house. guys, you can list your yoga mat even here. So the people traveling will be so down. list anything from a yoga mat to a high luxury hotel we don't mind.

4. Blogs

As a traveler when you walk through the earth, you will so many things about nature, animals, people, write all of these things down not only to share and experiences with other travelers, but as a traveler, I know it helps you walk through your past again and will give you a sense of pride. So write blogs here

screenshots from trave interface


In events, you will see what you can do, and people who are looking for friends in each event. for now, it looks like the following cause we have tried to use Google Places API but we thought it less user-friendly.

screenshots from trave interface

These are the main features that we have currently. if you're interested in this product please go ahead and create an account, and tell me what are the drawbacks. let's make this better together.

I’m gonna start developing a mobile app in a few days, stay tuned.

link: Trave

