The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Vimverse — Part 1

Unveiling the Evolution from OlympusDAO to Vimverse

4 min readMay 31, 2023

Welcome to Vimverse, a platform built on Multi-Chain that aims to unlock the full potential of decentralized reservice currency with its innovative features and utilities.

Inspired by Olympus DAO and Uniswap V3, we’ve developed a unique approach that incorporates key principles from these protocols, adding significant value to the DeFi world.

Embark on an exciting journey with our The Hitchhiker’s Guide series, where we’ll explore the various aspects of Vimverse, connecting the dots to unveil its evolution and showcasing the innovative solutions that it brings to the table.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide series includes the following parts:

  1. Unveiling the Evolution: From OlympusDAO to Vimverse — this is where you are now
  2. From POL to PMMM: A Leap Forward in Liquidity Management
  3. Recognizing the Significance: Revenue and Utility in DeFi
  4. Nurturing a Flourishing Ecosystem: The Vimverse Approach
  5. Looking Ahead: Roadmap and Presale

Let’s begin our journey by understanding the concept of decentralized reserve currency.

The Concept of Decentralized Reserve Currency

Decentralized reserve currency is an innovative solution to the challenges faced by algorithmic stablecoins. While stablecoins have played a vital role in bridging traditional finance and DeFi, algorithmic stablecoins have struggled to maintain stability consistently.

To address this, OlympusDAO pioneered the concept of decentralized reserve currency, which involves backing the protocol token with collateral assets in treasury to ensure stability and transparency. Vimverse is a prime example of a platform that embraces this concept, incorporating it into its core architecture.

The Role of the Treasury — Ensuring Stability and Liquidity

The Treasury serves as a vital component within the decentralized reserve currency protocol, representing all assets owned and managed by the protocol. Its primary responsibility is to guarantee the token liquidity in open markets and stabilize the token through direct market operations under specific circumstances.

In Vimverse, the treasury holds USDT and valuable assets such as ETH to back the value of Vim tokens. Each Vim token is backed by at least 1 USDT and the treasury dynamically adjusts the token supply through burning and minting actions to maintain the desired price peg. This mechanism ensures the long-term stability of the tokens, providing reassurance to holders.

Ensuring the sustainability of the treasury is crucial, and Vimverse goes beyond relying solely on bond sales for revenue generation. By diversifying revenue streams through NFT minting fees and trading commissions, Vimverse enhances its long-term stability and resilience, setting it apart from other platforms.

The Rebase Mechanism: A Dynamic Balance of Supply and Demand

The rebase mechanism, pioneered by Ampleforth and also implemented in Vimverse, plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem resilience. Through the Monetary Policy Smart Contract, the rebase mechanism adjusts the supply of VIM tokens based on market conditions. Rebase events, known as epochs, occur every 8 hours.

During periods of increased demand for VIM, the rebase mechanism expands the token supply, diluting the value of each VIM token. This expansion accommodates rising demand and mitigates price surges.

Conversely, when demand decreases, the rebase mechanism contracts the token supply, increasing the value of each VIM token.

This dynamic response to fluctuations in supply and demand fosters stability and resilience for VIM within the Vimverse ecosystem.

Bonding: Win-Win for Users and the Protocol

Another fundamental concept in the Decentralized Reserve Currency Protocol like Vimverse is bonding, which allows users to exchange VIM tokens at a discounted rate using stablecoins or other valuable assets during the vesting period. This approach benefits both users and the protocol, offering discounted tokens to users while supplying funds to the treasury and enhancing liquidity.

In Vimverse, every time someone purchases a bond, the proceeds go directly to the Vimverse treasury. A corresponding amount of VIM is minted and distributed to bondholders, stakers, and the DAO.

Vimverse also seamlessly integrates bonding and staking. When users purchase a bond on Vimverse, they receive sVIM, which automatically stakes the bond before it can be claimed. This dual benefits enable users to take advantage of both the bonding discount and staking rewards concurrently, creating a streamlined and user-friendly experience.

In Conclusion

Decentralized reserve currencies have emerged as a promising concept to address the challenges faced by algorithmic stablecoins. Vimverse builds upon this concept and introduces enhanced liquidity management, broadened utility, and more.

Stay tuned for Part 2: From POL to PMMM, a Leap Forward in Liquidity Management.

