Leveraging Facebook Birthdays with Birthday Wisher


Hey, you! Yes, you! Have you ever wished to leverage your friends’ birthdays not only to build stronger relationships but also to generate leads and make sales? Well, Birthday Wisher is just the tool you’ve been waiting for!

Why Birthday Wisher?

Imagine being able to send personalized birthday messages, starting conversations, and reminding your friends about your services or products. All this, while giving them a delightful surprise on their special day. Sounds like a wish come true, doesn’t it?

Free Starter Account

The best part about Birthday Wisher? You can get started absolutely for free! That’s right! No credit card required, no hidden fees. Get your free account now and start making a difference with your birthday wishes.

User Testimonial

Don’t just take our word for it. Listen to what Ed Akehurst, Founder of Genius Software, has to say, “Easy to use! As marketers, we need to stay top-of-mind with our prospects, leads, and customers. This is the perfect way to do that. Birthday Wisher is a brilliant extension!”

Features and Benefits

Now, let’s delve deeper into what makes Birthday Wisher the ultimate birthday leveraging tool:

Happy Birthday Messages (DMs)

With Birthday Wisher, you can send personalized happy birthday messages, including your friends’ first name, last name, and the current day of the week. This makes them feel special and serves as an excellent conversation starter.

Happy Birthday Posts (On Walls)

In addition to DMs, you can post personalized messages directly on your friends’ timelines. This adds a second touchpoint, driving traffic to your profile and generating new leads.


Advanced Happy Birthday DMs

Want to get the party started early? Birthday Wisher allows you to send advanced birthday wishes up to 7 days before their special day. An extra touch that will make them feel extra special.

Happy Birthday Follow-Up DMs

Never let the conversation die down. With Birthday Wisher, you can send a follow-up message up to 7 days after their birthday, an easy way to re-engage and build rapport.

Dynamic Images (Posts and DMs)

We know that a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why Birthday Wisher integrates with nifty images, allowing you to include personalized images in your messages.

Gender-Based Messages and Posts

To add another layer of personalization, Birthday Wisher allows you to create different messages for your male and female friends. A very personal touch that helps you deliver relevant offers.


With Birthday Wisher, you can make every birthday a new opportunity to build relationships and generate leads. Start leveraging now


