My personal advice for learning web-development

How you should run around in this programming world.

The Startup
4 min readJun 30, 2020


Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

Web development can be learnt without spending a dime. It’s all about the energy, curiosity, decision making, your patience and not giving up until you feel incapacitated. Well, a fast learner does two things, first he knows what he is gonna do and how and second he practices it frequently for effectiveness. The following words sums up my advice for making your web-development learning path to be fast and effective.

1. Code-map

Great, you made up your mind to get into this beautiful yet rough journey. Since every journey needs a roadmap, how you will move, go around, to reach the destination, one of the good road maps is by Elya who gives out a clear picture about web development, you can get it by signing up at her Email. Don’t get intimidated by seeing too much to learn, you will grow slowly & steadily, everyone did like that. But before stepping out be clear enough about the differences between website development, web development and software engineering. I guarantee, it won’t take you more than three months to get your first web development, “paid internship”.

2. Get yourself a tutorial.

Lots of tutorials & choices are endless. Pick up one project-oriented tutorial & to ease out prefer short tutorials of around or less than two hours, if you know some stuff with what you are going to deal with or take a longer one if you don’t know anything about it, as they always tell the deep shit. When starting, copy your tutor’s Github code on your machine. Give it a look & try to understand before playing his tutorial again, how he was doing, and then replicate it without looking, give some tweaks, that’s how things are learned in this tech-world. Some good tutorials for are “the javascript info” to understand JS completely, while from Tanay Pratap and React for free from Scrimba to get hands-on-learning.

3. Read stuff.

As quoted “The person who doesn’t read is no better off than the person who can’t read”. The more deeper shit you read, the more you grow. Great foundations in coding are created from reading official docs, articles and other people code. Make yourself a habit of reading a code related book every month and it won’t take much time when you will be one of the smartest guy in the room. A nice start would be the MDN docs.

4. Step into the world.

Raise and get learned yourself under a mentor, firstly who has a job in the tech-industry and to add, who is greatly skilled that would guide you with the trusted information and practical knowledge, similar like Tanay Pratap, or sit around a good developer, watch their habits. Join active coding groups, plenty of them can be found on telegram, discord, etc. They share valuable stuff and information, you will be asking doubts and and sharing stuff with the peers higher on your ladder. Attend meetups, webinars and understand the programming ecosystem. Follow and copy the skills of Tech CEO’s, the VP’s of engineering, that‘s how the great Plato would say today.

5. Break bones.

Let’s say you learned a particular language or a framework, but still some concepts are not fuzzy. Every language/framework important concepts might not get in your head at first. Try, breaking them down into chunks and understanding how they are working under the hood. Let’s say If you are learning react break it into two things 1) how the props work, where to pass them and when to pass them. 2) How the state works, it’s syntax and the logic behind it. If still not getting ask for help in the community.


If some concepts are fading out or when you think you have gained ample amount of knowledge try taking a short virtual class of your two or three friends interested or make a short you-tube tutorial. I taught my two friends having zero coding experience. Believe me it boosts confidence, communication skills and clears out concepts. Let the people know that you are hustling.

7. Projects: the ultimate weapons.

The most important aspect in the programming world, you will hear it everywhere. People care about what you build and capable of building, no matter how many languages you know, this or that. Try making some small projects or replicating someone’s project with small tweaks. It seems always tough like you remember the first day you learned some framework or language. Tutorials gives out the feeling that you know everything in this world, but believe me no one can’t just write, you know a good code just by tutorials. The more you build the more you learn, as Wes Bos says, “make tons of projects”. Learn while you build.

8. Practice

Practice makes the programmer perfect. Do it daily, anything related to code, add small innovations, keep improvising, leap into the software development and you will make a hole in the roof by your compounding knowledge. Be a CTO material, be multi-talented. The world needs tech entrepreneurs. Keep on hustling, a lot can be built in online space. One day you will look back and say,” the hustle was worth it”. Until then

Stay hungry, stay foolish .

