The State of Affairs with AI & Other Emerging Technologies in India

With the rapid proliferation of innovative emerging technologies, India is poised at the brink of a revolutionary change.

Vinay Nair
The Insights
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2019


Now that a plethora of technological advances are headed our way, we have little choice but to wake up to our new reality

Asian Tiger

India promptly being transformed into the newest Asian tiger.

Considering how deeply intertwined India’s geopolitical strategy is with the adoption and use of emerging technologies, it is a facet of development we simply cannot afford to ignore.

Massive data sets derived from its humongous population is coupled with cheap computing power to pave the way for India’s ascent to stardom in the tech space.

Urban India has already begun to embrace the changes these technologies portend: from ride-sharing mobile apps to self-regulating smart ACs, the millennials of Indian metros have seen it…

