“What Are Common Kids’ Coding Languages?”

Vinayak Aggarwal
4 min readJun 10, 2023


“Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly coding language that provides kids with a solid foundation in programming concepts, making it a common choice for young learners.” — Linda Liukas, Co-founder of Rails Girls.

As a parent, I understand the importance of introducing my child to the fascinating world of coding. But with so many programming languages out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this blog, I will share my first-person perspective on common coding languages that are popular among kids. These languages provide an excellent foundation for young learners to develop their coding skills and ignite their creativity.

Scratch: Unleashing Creativity “Scratch is one of the most popular coding languages for kids, offering a visual and intuitive interface that sparks creativity and empowers young minds to bring their ideas to life.” — Mitchel Resnick, Co-creator of Scratch.

Scratch is an incredible language that allows kids to create interactive stories, games, and animations using colorful blocks. Its visual nature makes it easy for children to grasp coding concepts while fostering their creativity. With Scratch, my child can design characters, add sounds and movement, and even share their projects with a vibrant online community.

Python: Versatile and Beginner-Friendly “Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly coding language that provides kids with a solid foundation in programming concepts, making it a common choice for young learners.” — Linda Liukas, Co-founder of Rails Girls.

Python is a versatile language widely used in various fields, from web development to data analysis. Its straightforward syntax and readable code make it an excellent choice for kids starting their coding journey. With Python, my child can write programs to solve puzzles, build simple games, or even create their own chatbots. It offers a gentle introduction to programming logic and lays the groundwork for further exploration.

JavaScript: Building Interactive Websites and Games “JavaScript is a widely used language in web development, and its simplicity and versatility make it a suitable choice for kids looking to create interactive websites and games.” — Anamika Amber, Founder of GeekyAnts.

JavaScript is the language behind dynamic web content and interactive elements. With JavaScript, my child can bring websites to life by adding animations, creating games, and building interactive features. It introduces them to the foundations of web development and encourages them to experiment with code in a browser environment.

Blockly: Fun with Visual Programming “Blockly, a visual programming language, offers a fun and engaging way for kids to learn coding concepts, making it a common choice for beginners.” — Reshma Saujani, Founder of Girls Who Code.

Blockly is a block-based language that allows kids to drag and drop code blocks to create programs. It simplifies coding concepts and eliminates the need for typing syntax, making it accessible and enjoyable for young learners. With Blockly, my child can solve puzzles, build games, and explore the basics of programming in a playful and interactive manner.

Swift: Embarking on Mobile App Development “Swift, Apple’s programming language, is gaining popularity among young coders interested in creating mobile apps and exploring the world of iOS development.” — Hadi Partovi, Founder of Code.org.

For kids intrigued by mobile app development, Swift is an excellent choice. Developed by Apple, Swift offers a user-friendly and expressive language for creating iOS apps. With Swift, my child can unleash their creativity, design their own apps, and delve into the exciting world of mobile development.

Java: Stepping into Object-Oriented Programming “Java, known for its widespread use in software development, provides a solid foundation in object-oriented programming for older kids who are ready to tackle more complex coding challenges.” — Laura Holmes Haddad, Director of Global Outreach at Tynker.

Java is a robust and widely used programming language that introduces kids to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts. While it may be more suitable for older children, Java equips them with the skills needed to build more complex applications. With Java, my child can explore the principles of OOP, create graphical user interfaces, and embark on more ambitious coding projects.

Introducing kids to coding through common programming languages is an exciting and empowering journey. Scratch, Python, JavaScript, Blockly, Swift, and Java offer a range of options tailored to different interests and skill levels. These languages not only teach coding logic but also encourage creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. As parents, we have the opportunity to nurture our children’s curiosity and provide them with the tools to thrive in a digital world. So, let’s embark on this coding adventure together and watch our children unlock their potential one line of code at a time.

