Vinay Bhat
3 min readMar 13, 2018

Below is a summary of Video Game Sales in North America, Europe, Japan, and the World.

North American Video Game Sales

According to the visuals above, Xbox360(X360) games generated the most sales in North America at $601 million followed by PlayStation 2 games at $583 million. While Action games generated the most sales in North America, Shooter games for the XBox 360 generated the highest sales of all genres/platforms at $174 million. Sales for Simulation games on the Nintendo DS such as The Sims were also surprisingly high at $66 million.

European Video Game Sales

In Europe, PlayStation3 Games generated the highest amount of sales at $343 million followed by PlayStation 2 games at $339 million, which isn’t a significant difference. Clearly, looking at the charts above you can see that PlayStation 3 Action games generated the highest amount of sales out of all genres/platforms in Europe, Sports games for the Wii and PlayStation 2 were also pretty popular.

Japanese Video Game Sales

If you take a look at the Japanese Video Game Market, you will see that PC Games, and Xbox games including games for the Xbox 360, Xbox, and Xbox One are virtually nonexistant. This is because Japanese prefer consoles made by Nintendo and Sony over other companies. Games for the Nintendo DS ended up generating the most sales at $175 million, with Role Playing Games such as Pokemon and Zelda making up for the highest percentage of DS sales at around $55 million, followed by sales for Miscellaneous games at $37 million.


Role-Playing Games generated the highest sales in Japan overall! That’s more than 2 times more than Action Games. Also if you take a look at the bar chart above, you will see that N64, SNES, and NES games generated a lot more sales in Japan, than it did in North America or Europe.

Global Video Game Sales

Globally, PlayStation 2 Games generated the highest amount of sales at $1.3 billion, followed by Xbox 360 games at $980 million. Action games for the PlayStation 3 such as The Call of Duty Franchise generated the highest amount of sales at around $307 million.

Action games generated the most sales globally, just like it did in North America and Europe, at $1.7 billion. And Sports games generated the second highest amount of sales globally at around $1.3 billion.