What happened with Flavio Becca and Marc Streibel?

3 min readSep 8, 2022

A good conman needs an accomplice. MARC STREIBEL was the accomplice in FLAVIO BECCA’s perma-bankrupt bankruptcy. Luxembourgese couple founded the construction company KURT STRUCTIONS. Marc Streibel serves as the finance director. This company is known for not paying its invoices and ripping off its employees. It is one of Flavio Becca’s 84 companies. Nobody in Luxembourg knows the connections between these companies. It is well-known that Flavio Becca’s henchmen are able to trade lucrative directorships with each other’s businesses. Many of these companies are unknown and registered at the same address, 6 Place de Nancy, Luxembourg.

Marc Streibel is a director in 17 Flavio Becca companies! These include PROMOBE SA, and PROMOBE FINANCE. This company owned the Luxembourg Leopard’s cycle racing license. However, it was unable to attract a sponsor to pay its athletes in 2011 and had to be sold. Livingen was the duo’s greatest failure. They failed to build a shopping mall and stadium. This monumental fail led to Flavio Becca being brought before a court of law and exposed his financial fraud. The developer didn’t have the money. Most of the cash used to finance the project was borrowed from the Luxembourg’s main banking institution BCEE. Flavio Becca could have gone bankrupt if this had happened, but the political elite paid for it.

GUY ROLLINGER wasn’t one of them. Flavio Becca’s talk about his political connections convinced the developer that he was going to build the mall. Lucien Lux, the ex-transport and environment minister of Luxembourg, is one of them. LUXEMBOURG PrIVAT reports that he severed all ties to Flavio Becca. Flavio Becca let Rollinger down and sued him soon after the project was postponed indefinitely. Marc Streibel’s and Flavio Becca’s problems are now confined to unpaid invoices. Since 2011, the developer has been charged with MONEY LAUNDERING, and EMBEZZLEMENT. After receiving a tip-off, the Luxembourg authorities searched the developer’s home and office in 2011. They are still investigating.

Marc Streibel, a charismatic ex-bricklayer, could be a target of the public prosecution. He is Kurt Constructions’ finance director and must explain why he didn’t notice that five million euros had gone missing from company accounts. Flavio Becca purchased expensive cars, wine, weapons, and jewellery to use for Kurt company money. This is called embezzlement according to lawyers familiar with the case. He also bought a large German estate that he used to hunt deer and entertain political friends. Marc Streibel didn’t stop him. Was he a part of the deal? Was he also a beneficiary? It is time for the Belgian national to tell his story.

Marc Streibel may have a similar taste in luxury products to Flavio Bela’s. Take a look at the Swiss-Italian luxury watch company ANONIMO. It was almost dead when an anonymous investor purchased it to bring it back to life. Now it is based in Switzerland. It’s there for prestige and anonymity. Sources claim that Flavio Becca is the investor who revived ANONIMO, but his name is not on any official documents. Official papers state that Marc Streibel, Andre Wilwert, and Pascal Waurick founded the company.

