World’s most capable metaverse has just started its prelaunch

Here’s how to get in for free

6 min readFeb 26, 2024


The ValuVerse has been in development for years and was just released to the public a few days ago. It leverages the amazing capabilities of VerusIDs to offer much more than just a beautiful 3D world. By attaching verifiable information about yourself to your VerusID and holding funds or NFTs in your VerusID, you will be able to do all kinds of commerce in the ValuVerse while maintaining your privacy. It enables completely new ways of doing online shopping, financial business, legal contracts, (gated) communities, meetings or parties, NFT art exhibitions, concerts, other events and much more.

In the ValuVerse, all information attached to your ID is valu-ABLE, which means that you, the user, will be able to control your own data, share and prove things as you wish and get the most value out of it for yourself, for example to get the best deal on your car loan or to get KYC/AML Identity Verification to enable bank payments and to prove you are a human and not a bot.

The future vision of the ValuVerse is to create an open metaverse that is independent of its founders through a PBaaS (Public Blockchains as a Service) chain launch. The launch will be documented in detail in the ValuVersity.

How you can get in for free:

Step 1: ID provisioning

Because the ValuVerse is based on VerusIDs, it uses VerusID provisioning to onboard new users. ID provisioning means that a centralized service creates a self-sovereign and fully functional VerusID for you and sends it to your wallet, making you the sole owner and controller of that ID.

During the pre-launch phase, you have the opportunity to get a VerusID with the name of your choice for free. It is a very simple process and will take about ten minutes.

The first thing you need is the latest version of Verus Mobile Wallet, which you can download from the Play Store or the App Store. Within the wallet, create a profile to which your ID will be attached. Make sure you save your seed phrase, otherwise you may lose access to your ID.

The next step is to join the Verus Discord server and find the #valuverse channel. Here you will need to type /getid and the ID bot will send you a message with a link and QR code. Before you do this, make sure your wallet is ready (latest version and profile created) as you only get one try.

If you ran the command on your mobile phone, you can click on Your ValuID link and it will open the wallet. Otherwise, open your wallet, unlock your profile, click scan in the bottom right corner and scan the QR code.

After clicking the link on your mobile or scanning the QR code, the wallet will guide you through the rest of the process.

You can also watch the video below to see how ID provisioning works:

Step 2: Logging in

Once you have your Verus ID in your wallet, go to, scan the QR code with your wallet, and confirm that you want to log in with your Verus ID.

That’s it, you’re now in the ValuVerse!

Things to explore in the ValuVerse:

My Avatar:

After logging in, you will be assigned a random avatar; customizing your avatar is the first step in creating your identity in ValuVerse. To do this, either go to the My Avatar room or click on My Avatar and then on Edit Avatar in the menu. In the future, you will be able to buy and sell custom avatar clothing as digital goods.

ValuVerse main vault:

The ValuVerse Main Vault is the room you enter after logging in, it has portals to different rooms. These rooms are ideas of things that people might want to build themselves. Yes, you can create your own rooms in the ValuVerse, more on that later.

The Gallery:

One of the most interesting rooms that can be accessed from the ValuVerse main vault is the Gallery. If you create one yourself, you can fill it with your own pictures and artwork, price them, and create NFTs.

The Library:

Another interesting room is the library, in the example it has books that are linked to the Amazon product page of those books. Just like that, any object in any room can be linked to a shop, which allows people to create rooms for selling their own products.


The interesting thing about portals is that they are just visualized links to different rooms, which can also be embedded as metasites in traditional websites.

These portals or links can have entry requirements, for example, that you have to be over 21 to enter a room, which can be proven by attestations. Rooms may also charge for entry or have a combination of both.


The ValuVersity is a room for learning, it will contain a whole tutorial on all the ways you can make the most of every day, and it will also explain all the features of Verus, the Internet of Value on which the ValuVerse is built.

In addition, the ValuVersity has a lecture hall with a presentation board that can be used for lectures and meetings.

Investment banking plaza:

The Investment Banking Plaza is where major financial institutions can offer their services to ValuVerse users.

Valu Vault (Attestations):

Behind the Valu Vault portal is not a room, but a vault where all your personal information attached to your VerusID is stored.

Other entities such as governments, KYC companies or other people can attest that something about you is true. These attestations to your ID can be anything you accept (e.g. people’s recommendations about you, your age and appearance, nationality, etc.).

They can be proven to others whenever you want, enabling commerce of all kinds and the use of centralized services such as fiat on- and off-ramps without any additional KYC process (e.g. direct bank to bank money transfers including currency conversion will be possible using Verus IDs).

When you prove something about yourself, you don’t necessarily have to reveal the exact information, for example, you can prove that you are over 21 years old without revealing your exact age.

Browsing public rooms:

If you go to the main menu and then click on Browse, you will see a list of all the public rooms that have been created by other people in the ValuVerse and you can enter them.

Making your own rooms:

To create your own public or private rooms, go to the Main Menu, My Rooms and click on the + icon. You can choose from several templates and customize them to your liking.

