Non-Fitness Lesson Learned from the Gym

Vince Fabra
2 min readJul 26, 2016


Day 239

Planet Fitness is a company that has successfully created an identity. With the bright, bold color scheme and the slogan “The Judgement Free Zone,” they have established a fun, comfortable fitness environment.

Recently while working out, I noticed a sign. This sign aligned with the judgment-free-zone message. It read, “NO EGOS”.

After staring at the sign for a second, I think I finally understood it’s true meaning — maybe even one that Planet Fitness was not trying to convey.

  • “No Egos” does not mean “Don’t be FULL of yourself!”
  • “No Egos” means “Don’t be AWARE of yourself!”

This sign is not a “wag of the finger” to the guy checking out his abs in the mirror. It’s more of a “back rub” for every person that might be feeling a little insecure.

I have been interested in the concept of ego for a while now. This is probably why I searched for a deeper meaning in that black, purple and gold sign. Ego is often (mis)used as a synonym for arrogant or cocky. An ego is NOT an INFLATED sense of self but actually just ANY sense of self.

ego (n.) your consciousness of your own identity

What would it look like to follow the advice of that Planet Fitness sign?

  • “No Egos” — No sense of self — Lose my consciousness of my own identity.

For starters, I wouldn’t feel any insecurity during my workout. Our sense of self is the FIRST thing that leads to insecurity.

“I look kinda awkward doing this workout. I WONDER IF OTHER PEOPLE NOTICE ME AND MY AWKWARDNESS.”

Secondly, I wouldn’t judge anyone. We anchor all of our judgments to our sense of self.

“That guy is so small (COMPARED TO ME).”

“That dude is a meathead (Feeling insecure because he is buff-er than me).”

I guess with “NO EGO” at Planet Fitness, I wouldn’t feel insecure, judgmental, entitled, jealous, embarrassed nor would I intentionally make anyone else feel that way. That sounds like a great gym. That sounds like an even better world.

This may be counterproductive, but think about how you can minimize your own ego. How are you being held back by your own sense of self? What would our workplaces, our communities, our relationships look like if we all could remove our own ego?

I imagine there are pros and cons to a world without ego, but I have to believe that it would lead to a world-wide Judgment Free Zone.

My friend Woody Woodcock is a man of many quotes, and he shared one of my favorites on a team call this morning.

“Your ego is not your amigo.”

Everyday, I am trying to click the “unfriend” button with my own ego.



Vince Fabra

Just a common guy with a 28 year-long plan to become President of The United States. I hope to earn your vote on November 8, 2044. #Fabra2044