Vince Marchetti Explains the Benefits of Volunteering for Strengthening Communities

Vince Marchetti
3 min readAug 7, 2020


Many of us live busy lives, and the idea of volunteering or giving your time and energy to a cause without financial reward may seem like an impossible task. However, making the time to give back to your community is important for many reasons and it doesn’t have to take up too much of your time. In fact, volunteering doesn’t just benefit the community, individual, or organization receiving assistance; it’s also vastly beneficial for the volunteer.

Coronado, California’s Vince Marchetti, a successful entrepreneur and established leader in the medical industry explains some of the ways that volunteering can help you build skills, gain experience, and strengthen your community altogether.

1. You’ll meet new people

Volunteering will put you amongst many people, whether you’re volunteering with them or giving back your time to serve their needs. When it comes to volunteering, you’ll not only get a new perspective on the rich diversity of your community, but it also broadens your support network, exposing you to people with common interests, neighborhood resources, and fun and fulfilling activities.

2. You’ll improve your spirits

When you begin to volunteer, you’ll start feeling better mentally. Think about it — have you ever felt better and more fulfilled after helping someone else in need? Volunteering can provide that healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life fulfillment. Doing good for others will provide a natural sense of accomplishment, which will further inspire your desire to strengthen your community.

3. You’ll strengthen your community

One of the greatest benefits of volunteering is the impact on the community. Giving back in the form of volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place; it also allows you to influence others to do the same. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of people in your community, says Vince Marchetti.

4. You’ll inspire others

Goodness is contagious. By volunteering, you inspire others to get involved to make a positive change in the community. Volunteering also sets a good example for children. Giving back and helping others in need, for example, serving at a local food bank, donating to a charity event, working with at-risk youth, etc. are all great ways to spark passion for others.

Vince Marchetti Explains How You Can Start Volunteering

Now that you know the benefits of volunteering for strengthening your community, it’s a great idea to get involved (if you haven’t already).

Vince Marchetti recognizes the need for volunteers, and shares some tips on how to get started:

· Check out your community’s volunteer page for current volunteer opportunities.

· Identify your strengths that are uniquely you. Many volunteer opportunities are looking for very particular skills, so it’s important to see what you can offer to fill those gaps.

· If you already volunteer, continue doing so. You’re already making a difference and strengthening your community each time you give back.



Vince Marchetti

Entrepreneur. University of Central Missouri Grad. San Diego, California. 21 years of experience in the medical device field.