What Does “Consumer Tech” Mean?

Vincent Barletta
4 min readOct 18, 2022


Consumer tech is a broad term for a wide range of products and technologies that people use every day. This big category includes everything from computers to high-tech clothing to home appliances. This term also includes the Internet of Things (IoT), which is made up of different Bluetooth devices and products with sensors. Computers are also a great example of how consumer technology has changed over time. As the prices of these machines have gone down, their abilities have gotten better and better while their prices have gone down. Computers also have a lot of services that are useful to people today, like being able to connect to the internet and use different consumer technology programs.

Consumer technology or high-tech gadgets are home appliances that are getting smarter and more useful. Some of these devices are linked to the Internet, which makes it possible to manage them all from one place. Smart appliances have many features that add value and make the lives of their owners easier. The number of people who want connected appliances and products that go with them is growing.

Even though the market is growing, it faces some problems. Some countries don’t make sure that new appliances meet minimum standards for how well they use energy, which can be expensive for consumers. The EU’s eco-design directive says that all new appliances must meet minimum standards for how well they use energy. Since this directive was put in place, energy-related carbon emissions have gone down by 300 million tonnes. It has caused energy bills to go down by 63 billion euros.

Digital touch has been an important part of consumer technology for a long time, but a new study shows that the way a touchscreen feels can change how people think and act. Consumers see the texture of a touchscreen as a sign of information, which makes them think of the technology as a source of information.

A high-touch marketing strategy is one in which a company and its customers talk to each other. The goal of this approach is to find out what customers’ pain points and needs are and try to anticipate them, as well as to get their buy-in. This method works best for conversations about strategy.

In high-tech fashion, technology is being used in the clothing industry. For example, a new Nike app lets users scan their feet, and the information is saved in a profile for future online and in-store purchases. Technology is also making it possible to shop in a more personalized way. Smart clothes of the future could also help retailers make more money.

The fashion industry has been on the cutting edge of new ideas and changes for a long time. It is one of the biggest in the world, and by the end of the decade, it is expected to be worth $3 trillion. Technology and scientific progress are always affecting fashion and the way new products are made.

The way people use technology is changing because of a trend in consumer technology called “technological convergence.” In the past, desktop computers, CD players, and cassette decks only did one thing, like play music. Handheld computers can now do more than one thing with very little input from the user. More and more, you can even use your voice to control the devices. The convergence of technologies has a number of benefits, such as making it easier to get the most out of consumer technology and reducing the need for devices that only do one thing. For example, phone calls used to be the only way to talk to someone far away. Now, smartphones can make video calls, send text messages, and make voice calls.

One of the biggest benefits of technology merging is that it makes it easier for businesses to talk to their customers. By keeping track of where customers go, businesses can learn more about how they buy. Some stores can send coupons to customers based on where they are in the store, for example.

Consumer tech is growing quickly, and this growth has an effect on how much energy is used. Many of the things we use every day use more power than they need to. According to a recent study, some consumer electronics use nearly ten times as much energy to run as they do to manufacture.Other things, like refrigerators, use a lot more energy over their whole life than they do when they are being used.

One of the biggest factors in how much energy is used around the world is how much more people use data networks. In 2015, data networks used about 1% of the world’s electricity, with two-thirds of that coming from mobile networks. The amount of electricity that data networks use could go up by 70% or down by 15% by 2021. But there are still a lot of questions about how energy will be used in consumer tech in the future.

Consumer technology is technology that the average person can use. It can be found in many places, like video games, smartphones, TVs, and computers. Many of these things have high-tech parts that make them easier to use and more effective. There are also a lot of brands that make tech for consumers.

Consumer tech brands are investing more and more in digital marketing channels to reach people online. As technology keeps getting better, prices for consumer technology keep going down. Moore’s Law says that the functionality of semiconductors doubles every two years. The industry depends a lot on the design of semiconductors.



Vincent Barletta

Vincent Barletta is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Stanford University. His most recent book is Rhythm: Form and Dispossession (Chicago).