What Are the Drawbacks of Rebonding Hair?

3 min readApr 7, 2022


rebonding hair
rebonding hair

If you’re considering rebonding your hair, you probably want to know what to expect. The cost, time, and chemical process are all important questions to ask before you commit. Listed below are some of the main drawbacks of rebonding your hair. Continue reading to learn more about this popular procedure. Then, decide if it’s right for you. After all, you’ll want your hair to look as healthy as possible.

Side effects of rebonding hair

Rebonding your hair has many side effects. The chemicals used to make your hair look shiny and new can cause your hair to be weak and flat. It may also damage your scalp and make it prone to bacterial infections. The process isn’t a permanent solution and it will require frequent touch-ups. Here are some of them. Besides the negative effects on your hair, rebonding may also result in hair loss.

After rebonding your hair, it’s important to moisturize your hair. A hair mask that contains olive oil, aloe vera gel, and curd can help. Don’t use hot water on your hair for 72 hours. You should also avoid using harsh products, including shampoo and conditioner. Shampoo and conditioner for rebonded hair should be gentle and non-abrasive. After every wash, use a mild deep conditioning shampoo.

Cost of rebonding hair

Rebonding hair is a common service, and it can cost anywhere from $250 to over $1,000, depending on the type of salon and the products used. Before deciding on a salon, check out reviews of salons in your city and read about their services and pricing. Keep in mind that rebonding your hair can have a negative effect on future growth. Rebonding does not change the follicle shape, so it is not possible to make a drastic change in this structure.

Before rebonding your hair, you must first remove the relaxant from your hair. Once you have gotten rid of any residue, you must follow the steps carefully. Your stylist will need to wash and condition your hair. You must wait for at least 30 minutes after the treatment, and longer for coarse or frizzy hair. This treatment will cost anywhere from $350 to 900, and is a permanent process. Before getting rebonding, check the ingredients of the relaxant.

Time required for rebonding hair

Rebonding your hair can take anywhere from three to four hours. The length and density of your hair will play a role in the time required for this procedure. Longer hair requires longer time to rebond than short hair. Most people need three hours to have their hair rebonded, but it will depend on the service provider and your individual hair needs. The process also involves pre-treatment and care to ensure that you leave with straight and bouncy hair.

Rebonding the hair is a process that involves two chemicals. The process begins by shampooing your hair with a mild shampoo and conditioning product. Then, you blow-dry it using a medium setting. After rinsing, you apply the neutralizer, which restructures the bonds in your hair. This is followed by a flat iron straightening. Once this is done, your hair will be pin-straight. This process takes up to 72 hours for normal hair, but thicker and longer hair will require more time.

Chemical process involved in rebonding hair

The chemical process of rebonding involves relaxing the natural structure of your hair. The chemical process breaks down bonds between amino acids in your hair and reconstructs them in a different manner. This alters the natural texture of your hair, resulting in smoother, straighter hair. You can learn more about the chemical process of rebonding your hair at home. You will need to follow proper instructions to achieve the best results.

The rebonding process involves applying a chemical relaxant, a neutralizer, a blow dryer, and a flat iron. Once the process is complete, you will need to apply a serum and straighten your hair a final time. Because rebonding involves chemicals and heat, your hair will be vulnerable to damage. It will need intensive care afterward. Listed below are the steps to rebond your hair.

