Installing Ubuntu 18.04.01 LTS on late-2013 Mac Book Pro


Vincent E Castro
3 min readNov 17, 2018

Linux has always been my go to for development. After trying out development in the macOS environment, I am finding the need to return to my preferred OS. Especially when my projects ventures into machine learning and image analysis. With this version of the MacBook Pro (MBP) there is an Nvidia GEFORCE GT 750M chip that I would like to utilize for its CUDA cores. I can install the macOS Nvidia CUDA drivers but, another downfall of venturing into an active dev area like ML, TensorFlow doesn’t support GPUs on macOS.

Explitive, Explitive, Explitive.

How could Google do this? Well, turns out there is a issue with Apple’s own drivers.

No solution for native macOS GPU support but, some have had success installing from source

The only way to save this situation, and grant me access to some CUDA cores, is to use an OS that will open the hardware up for me. Installing, in this instance, Ubuntu 18.04.01, does that.

Loading Ubuntu ISO on MBP

After downloading the Ubuntu ISO, create a USB image of the ISO (I did this with rufus and windows)


3 hours of backing up data later…

Booting into Ubuntu live USB

Restart your mac and when hearing the “start up” chime/sound, hold the Option (⌥) key

Release the key after Startup Manager appears

Select EFI Boot

You will then be booted into Ubuntu Live USB

At this point you should notice that there is no WiFi

The WiFi card should show up with


as a Broadcom card

Further steps are taken later in the guide to to get wifi working…

Installing Ubuntu

Run the install for the OS.

No turning back now! Good bye, macOS✌

Hello Linux (Ubuntu)

Installing WiFi drivers

Downloading/Installing the needed WiFi drivers

Connect to the internet either by LAN dongle or internet over Bluetooth sharing. Out of any LAN dongles, I chose the Bluetooth + phone way

Open a terminal and type

sudo apt update
sudo apt install bcmwl-kernel-source

Wait for the install to finish and your WiFi will now be working.


Now to start coding again..

Thanks for following this guide and will keep it updated as needed. Just finished this install myself with this guide so will be testing more. You can reach me on twitter with any questions. Remember to change your keyboard configuration.

