The Kiss: A Dream Come True

When Fantasy Becomes Reality

Vincent Pisano
1 min readJun 2, 2020 Photo Maldives

In her eyes, I see forever. Waves of emotion surrounding.
Nerves of steel, but in your eyes, I see a future.

Hand upon your face as we drink at the moment. As we feel the sand beneath our toes, the moon shines upon your face.

Fingers roaming, inhaling your scent.

A dream in the making, now a reality, our lips meeting sends fireworks throughout my body.

Heating rising, a whole night ahead. Exploring the road map of each other’s body. There is one thing for certain.

That road map leads me to her embrace, and she is home to me.

*This was written as an open challenge for a 100 word kiss challenge.



Vincent Pisano

Writer of Erotica, living with Cerebral Palsy, and being an INFJ. MS in Sport Psychology and Motor Behavior from the University of Tennessee