Published inThe Startup5G: The complicated relationship between ITU and 3GPPIn this article, we’ll go through an overview of the roadmap of standardizing 5G and the stakeholders of the process.Feb 1, 2020Feb 1, 2020
Published inThe StartupHow to build design system with SwiftUILearn how to build a robust and flexible design system with latest SwiftUI framework.Sep 13, 2019Sep 13, 2019
CodingBridge: Front-end Workshop DocumentationCodingBridge front-end development workshop is one-month-long tutorial session hosted at ITP.May 24, 2019May 24, 2019
Published inWe’ve moved to better web development workflow: Confluence, Airtable and moreA web development workflow that provides 2 times faster development speed, composed of Confluence, Jira, Airtable and Abstract.Apr 4, 20193Apr 4, 20193
Published inAAPD — As A Product Designer更好的網頁開發流程:學會運用 Confluence, Airtable, Jira 與 Abstract在將近兩年的前端工程師職涯中,我有幸參與了幾個數位與設計團隊的網頁開發案,並從中獲得不少寶貴的經驗。Mar 23, 20193Mar 23, 20193
CodingBridge: Documentation of development in progressDevelopment documentation of experimental programming tutorial platform that helps creatives to learn with less anxiety, more confidence.Nov 5, 2018Nov 5, 2018
高效設計 UI 狀態、以及無痛與工程師溝通的 FSM 表格設計 UI 狀態以及與工程師溝通都是讓設計師感到痛苦的工作,但 FSM 表格可以高效的解決這些問題。Jun 28, 20186Jun 28, 20186
Published inWe’ve moved to to design UI states and communicate with developers using FSM table👉 Chinese Version (中文版連結)Jun 28, 20185Jun 28, 20185
從平面設計師到前端工程師:五個月的轉變歷程在成為前端工程師六個月後,我重新檢視去年從平面轉前端的學習過程,並且整理出簡易的心得和建議,希望能給像我一樣的人一些幫助。Mar 6, 20187Mar 6, 20187
Published inWe’ve moved to I transitioned from a graphic designer to front-end developer in 5 monthsAfter being a full-time front-end developer for six months, I’d like to share my story of how I pivot my life path in 5 months.Mar 3, 201877Mar 3, 201877