What is BFF Design Pattern? An Overview

What is BFF?

Abhinav Vinci
5 min readMay 10, 2023

BFF stands for Backend for Frontend, and it is a software design pattern used in microservices architecture.

  • The BFF pattern involves creating a dedicated backend service that acts as an intermediary between the frontend and various microservices in the system. This backend service is designed specifically to handle requests from the frontend, and it exposes a tailored API that provides only the data and functionality required by the frontend.
  • By using a BFF, the frontend team can offload the complexity of dealing with multiple microservices to the backend team, who can create a simplified API that provides only the data required by the frontend.
  • This reduces the amount of network traffic and latency between the frontend and microservices, and also makes it easier to manage changes to the backend API as the frontend evolves.

Code Example?

Here’s an example of how you can implement the BFF pattern using Node.js and Express:

// app.js (the BFF service)
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
// Import the backend services
const userBackendService = require('./userBackendService');
const productBackendService = require('./productBackendService');
// Define routes for the frontend clients
app.get('/users', async (req, res) => {
const users = await userBackendService.getUsers();
app.get('/products', async (req, res) => {
const products = await productBackendService.getProducts();
// Start the server
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`);

In this example, we have a Node.js Express app that serves as the BFF service.

  • We import two backend services: userBackendService and productBackendService, each of which is responsible for serving data related to users and products respectively.
  • We define two routes: /users and /products, which are endpoints that the frontend clients can use to request data related to users and products respectively. Each route calls the appropriate method on the corresponding backend service and returns the result as a JSON response. Finally, we start the server and listen on a specified port.

PS: This example gives a rudimentary idea of how the BFF pattern looks like

Why use BFF? Use Cases?

  1. Mobile applications: In mobile app development, the BFF pattern is often used to provide a customized backend service for each platform (e.g. Android, iOS). Each platform may have different requirements, such as data format, authentication, or caching, that are better served by a dedicated backend service.
  2. Multi-channel applications: BFF can be used to serve different channels like desktop, mobile, or other platforms. This allows developers to build customized interfaces for each channel while still using a common backend service.
  3. API gateways: The BFF pattern can be used as an API gateway to integrate with multiple backend services. The BFF service can handle authentication, rate limiting, and other common API gateway functions, while still providing a custom interface for each frontend client.
  • Overall, the BFF pattern can be useful in any scenario where frontend clients have unique requirements that are better served by a dedicated backend service.
  • By providing a customized backend service for each client, developers can improve performance, scalability, and security, while also enabling more flexibility and customization in the frontend.


  1. Simplified Frontend Development: By providing a dedicated backend service for each frontend client, the BFF pattern can simplify frontend development. Frontend developers can work with a backend service that is specifically designed for their needs, without having to worry about the underlying microservices architecture.
  2. Increased Scalability: The BFF pattern can improve scalability by allowing developers to scale each backend service independently. This can reduce the risk of performance issues or downtime during periods of high traffic.
  3. Flexibility: The BFF pattern provides a high degree of flexibility by allowing developers to customize each backend service to meet the unique requirements of each frontend client. This can enable developers to deliver a more customized and personalized experience for their users.
  4. Improved Developer Productivity: The BFF pattern can improve developer productivity by enabling teams to work independently on each frontend client and backend service. This can reduce the risk of conflicts and bottlenecks, and make it easier to iterate and deploy updates.


  1. Increased complexity: Implementing the BFF pattern can add complexity to the overall architecture of the application, as it involves creating additional services and APIs specifically for the frontend. This can make the system harder to maintain and debug, and may require additional resources and expertise to manage.
  2. Tight coupling: BFF services are designed to be tightly coupled to the frontend, which can create dependencies and make it harder to change or update the frontend or backend independently. This can also limit scalability and flexibility, as changes to one part of the system may require updates to other parts as well.
  3. Might Increase development time: Creating and maintaining BFF services can take more time and effort than a simpler architecture, as it requires more code and infrastructure to support. This can slow down development and deployment cycles and may make it harder to iterate and make changes to the application over time.
  4. Resource overhead: The BFF pattern can also require additional resources such as servers, databases, and other infrastructure to support. This can add to the overall cost of the application and may be a concern for smaller or budget-limited projects.

Common mistakes while introducing BFF?

  1. Overcomplicating the BFF service: Developers may be tempted to add too much complexity to the BFF service, such as business logic or complex data transformations. This can make the BFF service more difficult to maintain and may impact its performance. Instead, the BFF service should focus on providing a simple and efficient interface for the frontend clients.
  2. Tight coupling between frontend and backend: If the BFF service is tightly coupled with the frontend, it can limit the flexibility and scalability of the microservices architecture. Developers should aim to design the BFF service as a standalone service that can be easily customized and extended for different frontend clients.
  3. No Clear separation of concerns: Ensure a clear separation of responsibilities between the BFF services and the client applications. The BFF should handle client-specific concerns, such as authentication, authorization, and data aggregation while leaving the core business logic to the backend services.

