Hooking up the P2E gaming and NFTs

Vinci Protocol
5 min readJun 3, 2022


The blockchain-based P2E gaming and NFTs industries are steadily growing and taking up more space. Also, NFTs have a significant impact on the gaming industry. So hooking up both P2E gaming and NFTs will be a fantastic decision. That’s why our recent partnership — LOE — is an excellent step for both sides and a win-win case for the industry. Together with Legends of Elysium, we would be able to deliver more value and increase turnover to their NFTs and provide better markets for everyone willing to join the game. Let’s dive into how this would be a more fabulous combination and what our plans are together.

We have aspired to collaborate with them because they are passionate about blockchain technology and believe that this technology has the potential to change the world. We believe that this partnership would help the growth of the Vinci ecosystem. This collaboration’s primary goals are to explore and refine the below two key points, which will enable both projects to be stronger.

  • Accepting LOE’s NFTs as collateral

Legends of Elysium combines an incredible classic card game experience with groundbreaking technology behind NFTs. They are bringing a AAA quality game to the blockchain. While Blockchain games struggle to create NFTs that would evolve and change over time, LOE has solved this problem by introducing their ERC 1155 standard with features enabling updates of card statics. Through this partnership, we are planning to support their NFTs as collateral to take out loans via Vinci Lending Protocol while allowing the facility to unlock the value of their NFTs without losing the ownership of that particular NFT asset. It would be another utility to LOE NFT holders. It would also bring liquidity to the Vinci lending protocol making both projects stronger.

  • GameFi items Leasing

Our Vinci Protocol serves as the permissionless money market with NFT assets as the collateral, including both Pool and P2P mechanisms. NFT holders can list their borrowing or leasing needs on the Vinci platform, which will enable money lenders and renters to respond to their requirements and liberate liquidity. As we are planning to add LOE items to our platform via this partnership, Legends Of Elysium gamers will be able to lease their gamified items via Vinci Protocol. So definitely, this partnership would contribute majorly to the growth and prosperity of both ecosystems while enabling users a better experience.

Also, we would be working together in

🔻Strategic planning

🔻Community growing


🔻Advisory activities

for the growth of both ecosystems. Stay tuned for more updates as this relationship develops. Let’s see what new heights we can achieve together with this genius blockchain team.

Florian Jersch, CEO of Vinci protocol, stated:

“Why NFT Gaming, Why LOE, Why VINCI? Just in the last few years, NFTs have had a huge impact on the gaming business model and the gaming industry as a whole.

NFTS are better for the players. By giving players ownership of the assets they buy and earn in the game, they can share in the potential growth of a game. This allows players to retain some economic value when they move to a new game.

What happens when players are stuck but desperately need a particular NFT? Straight to Vinci and get it.

That’s exactly how it is for me with LEO. When I saw the first pitch decks, I was directly on fire — the guys know what they’re doing there, so after a long phase, I had to partner up as well.

An NFT card game deeply rooted in the Polish gaming industry. In Europe, Poland is very famous for their gaming industry. We accept their NFTs as collateral and work together with them and others on our leasing platform to bring the best quality to the market.”

Darek Piaskowski, Co-Founder of Legend of Elysium, stated:

World is moving towards the future predicted by sci-fi writers where the Metaverse is gonna be a big part of everyone’s life. That’s why lending against Legends of Elysium NFTs is gonna be amazing addition to the utility side of the ecosystem and a step towards the future predicted in sci-fi novels.

We put a lot of focus on the playability and quality side of our project, creating something unseen in the blockchain gaming industry to this date.

Legends of Elysium introduces a unique Stake & Borrow mechanism. It enables the owner of an NFT to stake it and earn APR, at the same time other players are able to borrow the staked NFT and use it in their own decks.

Thanks to Vinci Protocol expanding the utility of Legends of Elysium NFTs is possible, taking us a step into the future. Vinci will enable unlocking value of the LOE NFTs without selling them, that’s why we believe it will play a key role in the NFT market evolution.

About Legend of Elysium

Legends of Elysium is an innovative strategic P2E game where players compete with each other during weekly League and monthly grand tournaments to win grand prizes. Well-thought-out game economy allowing users to play and earn every day by doing daily quests, extremely extensive token utility, and high-end 2D and 3D graphics are examples of many features that make us unique in the blockchain gaming industry. LOE is a game made by gamers for gamers!

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About Vinci protocol

Vinci Protocol is an NFT-backed DeFi protocol designed to boost Liquidity with a lending platform and simultaneously hedge Volatility with NFT-backed derivative products. Vinci will deliver the generalized solutions for NFT lending and perpetual trading through the following architecture:

Compatible with Different Smart Contracts: These are generalized solutions that will allow access to different smart contract platforms, including EVM contracts for EVM-compatible chains like Ethereum and BSC, WASM contracts, and Substrate contracts, for the Polkadot Ecosystem.

NFT-backed Lending and Renting Platform: serves as the permissionless money market with NFT assets as the collateral. NFT holders can list their borrowing needs on the Vinci platform, which will enable money lenders to respond to their requirements and liberate Liquidity.

Decentralized NFT-backed Perpetual DEX: serves as the fully non-custodial and decentralized perpetual market for NFT assets. NFT holders can deposit NFT assets, including collectibles and GameFi items, as collateral to open perpetual contracts to hedge the Volatility of the NFT floor price.

Extreme Efficiency and Trader-friendly VinciVM: serves as the technical base layer of Vinci Protocol. It consists of an off-chain Market Maker Engine and an on-chain Settlement Engine. VinciVM is the core component and can be easily deployed on multiple NFT ecosystems to deliver an extremely efficient and low-cost trading UI/UX

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Vinci Protocol

An NFT-backed DeFi protocol designed for boosting liquidity with a lending platform, and simultaneously hedging volatility with NFT-backed derivative products.