Data science and Predictive Modelling on Cryptocurrency — Part -1

vineet kapoor
8 min readJun 30, 2018


Hello Everyone!

This is my first blog in Medium. I am really excited to explain you the Data science techniques that I have applied on Cryptocurrency historical prices, tweets from twitter and data from news articles, blogs. This blog is Part -1 of my whole analysis. There will be more parts further. Please stay tuned as I will upload the tutorial of applying statistics on cryptocurrencies and machine learning on twitter tweets in my next part.

The code used for all the visuals used in this blog is given in —

The Data science techniques that I will be explaining in this blog are:

Data science techniques applied:

  1. Data Visualization and exploratory Data Analysis.

my first Candlestick Chart:

Close Price of Bitcoin for 1 month.

2. Text mining of twitter tweets.

* corpus means a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject.


Cryptocurrencies are distributed digital assets , in which currency is not held in digital form. It allows for speedy transactions between different parties. Cryptocurrency is not a crypto coin , it is a name given to cryptographic accounting unit. Financial transactions in these units are secured by cryptography. The most famous cryptocurrency — Bitcoin emerged after 2008 global monetary crisis. Many cryptocurrencies have been launched after bitcoin and few countries have already legalised the cryptocurrencies such as

The sentiments related to cryptocurrencies need to be reviewed from twitter tweets and articles can be used to analyse the future growth and important factors in the growth of cryptocurrencies.

Top 4 cryptocurrencies used for analysis

Methodology & Tools:

The Data has been taken from twitter using twitter live streaming API and various news articles, blogs. The data has also been taken from Historical prices of top 4 currencies have been scraped. BeautifulSoup and Selenium is used in python and twitter package was used in R programming for taking live streaming tweets and rest tweets. Tableau has also been used to visualise the forecast and trend of top 4 cryptocurrencies. For hypothesis testing and sentiment classifier model from articles, blogs, Python has been used. For sentiment analysis on twitter data and classifier model, R has been used.

Tools used:

—Visualization Tools — Tableau, Python, R.

—Collection Tools — R, python.

—Modelling Tools — Naïve Bayes and Max Entropy model.

—Libraries used —

in R: twitter, SnowballC, syuzhet, tm, ROAuth, dplyr, magrittr, ggplot2, wordcloud, stringr, udpipe, textrank, igraph, ggraph, qdap, tidytext, tidyverse, sentiment, RColorBrewer.

—In Python: nltk, numpy, pandas, tweepy, matplotlib, textblob, random, selenium webdriver, string, seaborn, datetime, scipy, beautifulsoup, requests

Questions & Hypothesis:

The questions/hypothesis that I would like to test using the data collected are:

  1. Perform ANOVA Hypothesis testing between top four cryptocurrencies to determine if the average daily returns are equal or not.

2. To analyse the cryptocurrency, which is best to invest with minimum risk.

3. Check for correlation between different cryptocurrencies.

4. Check for factors responsible for predicting cryptocurrencies growth.

5. To analyse growth of cryptocurrency worldwide and regional wise.

6. To build a Naive Bayes classifier model to predict sentiments of documents from news articles, blogs by investors, banks, regulators.

7. Analyse the sentiments of investors, regulators, financial institutions and banks on cryptocurrency.

Data collection:

—Twitter, news articles, blogs and were predominantly used as data source for this study.

—Tweets containing hashtags of “bitcoin”, “ethereum”, “blockchain” and “cryptocurrency” in twitter were used.

—Tweets from @user time line of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, CryptoBoomNews and Blockchain were downloaded.

— Cryptocurrency views data from news articles was scraped. From ….

—The historical prices of bitcoin, Ethereum, bitcoincash and ripple were scraped from coinmarketcap website

—The cryptocurrencies last 30days data was downloaded from coinmarketcap website.

—Except the tweets from twitter and data from articles, the rest of the data was cleaned.


—Blockchain is the factor responsible for Cryptocurrencies growth and decline.

—Ethereum is the currency, which can be used for investment, as it’s average daily returns are better than other three cryptocurrencies — Bitcoin, Bitcoin — cash, ripple.

— The pattern of twitter sentiments is similar in US and India, the pattern is like overall sentiment. Japan has a different pattern of sentiments.

— Bitcoin is the currency used for most of the transactions.

—There is high correlation between bitcoin and Ethereum close price.

—The forecast of close price of Bitcoin and Ripple shows that the prices will decline.

—Proportion of neutral and positive sentiments from news articles and blogs are almost similar and greater than negative sentiments.


  1. The below chart shows comparison of Close price. The green line in the chart corresponds to Bitcoin, red line shows the bitcoin cash, yellow line shows Ethereum. Blue line shows ripple. This chart shows that Bitcoin close price is very high relative to other currencies. At the end of 2017, it gained a lot.
Line chart of Top 4 cryptocurrencies

2. Correlation between top 4 cryptocurrencies. There is high correlation between bitcoin and ethereum.

Correlation between top 4 cryptocurrencies

3. Histogram of close prices of all the four cryptocurrencies. All of them are following a standard normal curve.

4. For Bitcoin, frequency of tweets is relatively higher in May month’2018 as compared to June month’2018. 9.3260 is the average daily number of tweets.

5. Only for one day, the frequency of Ethereum tweets saw an outlier, except that, the average frequency is 1.53 is the average daily number of tweets.

6. The mean of frequency of blockchain tweets is 1.8. There are few outliers in January and February month.

7. Followers engagement with bitcoin is decreasing after first first week of June month. In may month, the number of followers were more than 200 many times as compared to June month.

For last 30 days. in 2018

8. Followers engagement of Ethereum currency are is more at the end of the year 2017. The retweets have increased in 2018 relative to 2017.

9. Wordcloud of ethereum, bitcoin, ripple corpus. Most of the words are same as occurred in previous wordcloud

Wordcloud of ethereum, bitcoin, ripple corpus.

10. Wordcloud of common tokens in Cryptocurrency user time line corpus. High frequency occurring words are bitcoin, Ethereum, network, cash.

11. The sentiments are almost neutral. There is not clear pattern of negative and positive sentiments using bing Dictionary.

12. Cooccurrences between words for nouns and adjectives in Blockchain corpus.

13. Most positive sentiment line in cryptocurrencies corpus

14. Most negative sentiment line in cryptocurrencies corpus.

15. Positive words in the Cryptocurrency corpus.

16. Negative words in cryptocurrency corpus.

17. Hashtags in cryptocurrency corpus.

18. Hashtags in Bitcoin corpus.

19. Comparison of live tweets of Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin


21. Top 10 nouns in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies corpus.

22. Words like sorry, hard, congestion, issue, attacks are occurring most in negative sentiments. Words like thank, right, welcome, cool, exciting, most of the words are sentiment words in cryptocurrency corpus.

Regional wise analysis of Cryptocurrency

—Proportion of sentiments of tweets of Bitcoin in US — Neutral and Positive tweets are almost equal. The negative tweets are 25% of the total tweets. The sentiment is diverse.

— Most of the tweets in India related to Bitcoin are neutral, 45% of tweets, 40% are positive and 15% are negative.

— Most of the tweets are neutral in Japan. Most the users are having neutral sentiment of Bitcoin.

Appendix and other notable related works:

1. Using Tableau, visualising the Bitcoin Close Prices.

2. Trend line of Close price and trend line of volume of transactions for each day are positive for Bitcoin.

3. Forecast for Ripple using Tableau.

4. Trend line of Close price is positive as compared to trend line of volume of transactions for each day for ripple.

The code used for all the visuals used in this blog is given in —

References and Credits:









This report is done as part of my course work for Indian School of Business (ISB) Certification in Business Analytics (CBA) program.

