Deploy your react app in 3 minutes with surge

Vinicius Gularte
2 min readNov 25, 2018


Deploy your applications like a 🚀.

This tutorial assumed you have Npm packager installed, if you don’t have you can download here.

What is surge ?

Surge is a static web publishing for Front-End Developers and permitted you publish your project without leaving the command line.

For installing him in your machine type the command below:

With surge installed let’s create a simple project in react

create-react-app hello-surge && cd hello-surge

Now, execute the command below inside the project for create a build folder

npm run build

And now, execute surge in the terminal and create an account with e-mail + password and provide the project patch (in build folder).


You can accept the domain that is generated or provide your own name, in my case I decided to put the name awesome-project.

Let’s go to the domain you generated and look


That’s it, thank you for reading, please feel free to 👏 and help others find it.

See you soon. 😃

