My 7-Minute Home Workout (Weekly Plan)

Vinicius Rotger
3 min readApr 2, 2020


cottonbro from pexels

So, while stranded at home during my coronavirus quarantine, I came up with a week plan to work out in my house, with no equipment, all bodyweight, full-body, just to help keep the imunological system in check and put on some musle mass.
Here’s how it goes:

Why Full-body workout everyday doesn’t work that well

If the objetive is to gain more muscle mass, doing a full-body workout everyday won’t be optimal because rest is one of the key elements in musle building. If you use every muscle everyday, there won’t be enough time for the muscle to recover in 24 hours(assuming you’ll workout at the same time everyday).
Each muscle takes from 24 to 48 hours to fully recover, and exercising it again before the recovery process completes might not only hurt but the muscle won’t have restored enough muscle fiber yet for it to grow, so the mass gain is significantly reduced.

The best time to workout

For me personally, the best time to start my home workout is in the morning, but you should experiment and go with whatever works best for you and your routine. I prefer to do it in the morning because I have a morning routine that fits it in very precisely.
Some people say exercising in the morning tires them for the rest of the day, but for me it’s the opposite, I feel more energized and it improves my performance for the whole day.

Some recommendations first

Stretching reduces the chance of injury during physical exercise, prevents muscle aches (anything that reduces pain is very welcome for me) during and after exercising, and also improves circulation, as well as body posture.
By stretching, you increase flexibility, which helps with everyday tasks inreasingly as you get older. It also improves balance, which aids daily activities and sports’ performance.

The Workout

My workouts consist of 7 minutes of high intensity exercise, with predetermined variations on the day, for 5 days in the week(two rest days).

So, for 5 days, I have three 7-min circuits that alternate throughout the week, and two days of resistance training (jumping rope).
I usually go:

monday: Core + 30-min jumping rope
tuesday: Rest
wednesday: Upper
thursday: Basic
friday: Core + 30 min jumping rope

The circuits

I set a timer for 30 seconds for each exercise, repeating the circuit twice with no rest in between the exercises, but you can rest after the finishing all the exercises (but not more than a couple of minutes).

1. Basic

In this trainig, the main focus is on chest, back and legs, the movements are:

1. Pushups (chest + arms)
2. Abdominals (core)
3. Reverse Snow Angels (upper back)
4. Squats (thighs and low back)
5. Mountain climber (core + legs)
6. Closer grip pushups (chest + triceps)
7. Jumping rope

2. Core (+ jumping rope)

In this circuit, the focus is mainly core and legs:

  1. Mountain Climber (core + legs)
  2. Plank (core)
  3. Jump (or squats)
  4. Standing Ab Crunch
  5. Burpees (abs, legs and chest/arms)
  6. Jabs/Rope jumping (in order to get some rest)

3. Upper body + gluts + triceps

This is a variation of the Basic circuit, with some muscle group modifications:

  1. Pushups (chest + arms)
  2. Abdominals (core)
  3. Squats (thighs, glutes and low back)
  4. Tricep Dip (triceps)
  5. Lunge/Bridge (glutes and legs)
  6. Mountain climber (core + legs)
  7. Rope (legs + arms)


It is important to give the body proper rest during the week, otherwise you supress muscle repair, which is the main tool for hypertrophy.
I rest for two days in the week, tuesday and saturday. And one day before these rests, I have an endurance training of 30 minutes of jumping rope.
That is what works for me, these aren’t recommendations. Find out for yourself what works best for you and your routine!

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Vinicius Rotger

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