Reasons Indian parents give to get you married

1 min readDec 13, 2016


  1. A,B, and C have gotten married you should to.
  2. You have reached your age, you should get married.
  3. You will find it hard to find a suitable guy if you reach a particular age
  4. You are settled now in your job, guess what time to get married.
  5. Find a husband to do your activities with.
  6. We will be retiring soon, you should get married now.
  7. You can do Trekking and Running together. How nice would that be?
  8. Do you love anyone? Why don’t you tell us? Is he/she of our caste?
  9. We should have got you married long back. Look at your friends aren’t they happy? Don’t be a pessimist.
  10. Look at you, so tanned. Why don’t you take care of your looks? Stop roaming around till your marriage is fixed.
  11. Why don’t you come with us for weddings? How will people get to know you?

There are countless reasons to get you married, but let the above not decide your fate, your life.

You will be ready when you will be or you won’t.

Give it time these are life decisions not to be taken in haste.




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