Scam or Misunderstanding? The Controversy Surrounding Dev Gadhvi Intensifies, My Take

5 min readMay 27, 2023


In passion-based entrepreneurship, Dev Gadhvi has emerged as a prominent figure, offering mentorship and guidance to individuals seeking to turn their passions into profitable businesses. However, amidst his rise to fame, rumors have spun around the internet, labeling Dev as a scam. In this article, we will delve into the controversy surrounding Dev Gadhvi, exploring the claims made against him and providing my firsthand experience of attending his webinar.

The Webinar Experience: Genuine Insights and Value

Dev Gadhvi’s webinar is attended by approximately 2000 individuals, it is a platform where he imparts his knowledge and shares his seven-step framework for building a successful business from one’s passion. Attending his webinar, I found that it provided genuine insights and valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

During the webinar, Dev emphasizes the importance of identifying one’s passion and aligning it with a profitable business model. His framework acts as a roadmap for individuals to follow, enabling them to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship. It is worth noting that while Dev’s programs may be expensive, their value often surpasses the cost, according to many participants who have been following him for some time and have heard about him from their friends and families.

Understanding the Pricing Structure of Dev’s Programs

Dev Gadhvi offers three levels of programs, each catering to individuals at different stages of their entrepreneurial journey. The first level is the Rs 99 webinar, providing a day-long immersion into his teachings. This is an introductory experience, allowing participants to gauge whether they resonate with his methods and approach.

For those seeking a more comprehensive understanding of Dev’s seven-step framework, there is a three-day online event priced at Rs 50,000. This program delves deeper into the intricacies of building a business from one’s passion, providing participants with detailed knowledge and practical strategies.

It is crucial to highlight that Dev ensures that his mentorship programs are tailored to serious individuals committed to their personal and professional growth. By shortlisting candidates, he ensures that his time is invested in those who are genuinely motivated and committed to achieving success. This approach safeguards against wasting time on non-serious individuals, ultimately creating a more effective learning environment for the participants.

One-to-One Mentorship: A Personalized Approach

For individuals who wish to advance their entrepreneurial journey further, Dev Gadhvi offers a one-to-one mentorship program. This exclusive opportunity allows participants to receive direct personalized guidance and mentorship from Dev. It costs a few lakhs, emphasizing the depth of commitment and dedication required from both sides.

Dev’s mentorship program aims to provide individuals with the necessary tools, insights, and accountability to help them achieve their goals. By offering personalized attention, he strives to guide his mentees through the challenges and obstacles they may encounter, ensuring they are on the right path toward success.

Instagram Presence: A Glimpse into Dev Gadhvi’s Teachings

Besides his mentorship programs, Dev Gadhvi actively shares valuable advice and insights on his Instagram platform. This allows individuals to follow him, gain a deeper understanding of his teachings, and determine whether they resonate with his philosophies and methodologies.

Separating Scam from Success

It is not uncommon for successful business coaches and mentors in India to face accusations of being scams. However, it is essential to approach such claims with an observing eye and conduct thorough research. While some individuals may not have found success through a particular program or mentor, it does not automatically label them as scams.

Each individual’s entrepreneurial journey is unique, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. It is crucial to analyze oneself, evaluate personal goals and aspirations, and determine whether a specific mentor or program aligns with one’s values and objectives.

Here are some testimonials that i came across while researching, read and decide for yourself:

Interestingly, there are more than 2000+ reviews on Trustpilot with an average rating of 4.8! Now, i don’t think i need to say anything, the numbers speak for themselves.

Make an Informed Decision

Dev Gadhvi, a top business coach in India, has garnered attention both for his teachings and the rumors labeling him as a scam. However, attending his webinar firsthand, it became evident that he offers genuine insights and valuable advice to those seeking to build businesses from their passions.

While his mentorship programs may seem to be expensive, their value often exceeds the cost. Dev’s mentorship programs cater to individuals at different stages of their entrepreneurial journey, offering a personalized approach and direct guidance from Dev himself.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether they resonate with Dev Gadhvi’s teachings and methodologies. Conducting thorough research, attending his webinar, following his Instagram content, and critically evaluating personal goals and aspirations are crucial steps in making an informed decision.

In the ever-evolving entrepreneurship landscape, it is vital to approach controversies with an open mind and determine what aligns best with one’s journey.




I love to express my views through my write-ups.