How to estimate the number of cars in a city?

Vinodh Kumar Ravindranath
1 min readSep 9, 2019


I came across this question asked in context of product manager interviews, and the answers hovering around a series of guesstimates around demographics, city conditions etc leading to a final “guesstimate”.

However I realized there is a elegant statistical solution to this problem, therefore making this an interesting question for a data scientist interview too. I documented the answer and mathematical proof of the same on quora — please feel free to check out and share your comments.

By Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-218–0504–36 / Dieck / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,

However in the meantime, I also learnt that this is also referred to as the German Tank problem, a reference to the fact that the allied forces used the serial numbers of the captured tanks to estimate the number of tanks that the Germans had manufactured!



Vinodh Kumar Ravindranath

Data Scientist. Part-time social activist. Participant in Politics. Learner. Ex-Googler.