The Altruistic Surrogacy Process in India: A Comprehensive Guide

3 min readAug 2, 2024


The altruistic surrogacy process in India is governed by the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021, which sets forth a series of prerequisites for couples seeking this path. This legislation aims to ensure that the surrogacy process is conducted ethically, legally, and with the welfare of all parties in mind. This article provides a detailed overview of the prerequisites and costs associated with altruistic surrogacy in India.

Prerequisites for Altruistic Surrogacy

For Intended Parents

Couples intending to pursue altruistic surrogacy must meet several criteria outlined by the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021:

  1. Order of Custody and Parentage: An order from the Magistrate Board is required to establish custody and parentage of the baby conceived through surrogacy.
  2. Insurance Coverage: The surrogate mother must be insured for postpartum delivery complications for a period of 16 months.
  3. Age Requirements: Women must be between 23 to 50 years old, and men must be between 26 to 55 years old.
  4. Citizenship: Both intended parents must be Indian citizens.
  5. No Existing Children: Couples must not have any existing children, with certain exceptions for deceased or disabled children.
  6. Medical Evaluation and Counseling: Couples must undergo a complete medical evaluation and counseling sessions with a fertility specialist and a psychologist.

These prerequisites ensure that only eligible and well-prepared couples embark on the altruistic surrogacy journey.

For Surrogate Mothers

Surrogate mothers also need to meet specific criteria to qualify for the altruistic surrogacy process:

  1. Age and Citizenship: Surrogates must be between 25 and 35 years old and possess Indian citizenship.
  2. Marital Status and Parenthood: Surrogates must be married and have at least one biological child.
  3. Close Relationship: There must be a close familial or friendship bond with the intended couple.
  4. Health Screening: Comprehensive screening procedures, including blood tests, physical examinations, and hysteroscopy, are required to confirm overall health and uterine suitability for pregnancy.
  5. Counseling Sessions: Surrogates must participate in counseling sessions to assess their mental readiness for conception and pregnancy.

These criteria ensure that surrogates are physically and mentally prepared for the responsibilities of carrying a pregnancy for another couple.

Altruistic Surrogacy Costs in Delhi, India

Altruistic surrogacy is generally more economical than commercial surrogacy, as it does not involve monetary compensation for the surrogate. However, several Surrogacy Cost in Delhi and Surrogacy Cost in India are still associated with the process:

  1. Medical Costs: These include expenses for fertility medications, tests, treatments, and care during labor and delivery. The surrogate’s health and the baby’s wellbeing are paramount, so comprehensive medical care is essential.
  2. Legal Fees: Legal procedures are necessary to ensure that all agreements are properly documented and that the rights of all parties are protected.
  3. Counseling Charges: Both the intended parents and the surrogate mother need to undergo counseling to prepare for the surrogacy process.
  4. Donation Fees: If donor eggs or sperm are required, there may be additional costs associated with these donations.
  5. Agency Fees: If a surrogacy agency is involved, their services will also incur fees. These agencies often provide valuable support and coordination throughout the surrogacy journey.
  6. Miscellaneous Expenses: Additional costs may include clothing, regular checkups, and travel expenses.

Breakdown of Costs

To provide a clearer picture, here is a detailed breakdown of the potential costs associated with altruistic surrogacy in India:

Medical Costs:

  • Fertility treatments and medications:
  • Prenatal care and delivery:
  • Postpartum care for the surrogate:

Legal Fees:

  • Drafting and reviewing surrogacy agreements:
  • Obtaining legal custody and parentage orders:

Counseling Charges:

  • Psychological evaluation and counseling sessions:

Donation Fees (if applicable):

  • Egg or sperm donation:

Agency Fees (if applicable):

  • Coordination and support services:

These figures are approximate and can vary based on specific circumstances and the professionals involved.


The altruistic surrogacy process in India, governed by the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021, ensures that the journey is ethical, legal, and focused on the welfare of all parties. While the costs involved can be significant, altruistic surrogacy remains a more economical option compared to commercial surrogacy. By understanding the prerequisites and financial aspects, intended parents and surrogates can better prepare for the surrogacy journey ahead.

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