Let go and grow with the flow!

Vinsha Vijayan
4 min readMay 26, 2020


Letting go is easier said than done. But it is possibly one of the best things to happen to you. No matter, how devastating it seems in the beginning, its truly for the best. You will never see it at that moment but as time passes by, you’ll be thankful for it; as it will be one of the best experiences of your life.

Letting go can mean different things to different people. It can include anything, from letting go of a place, a person, a situation, friendship or something you held close to your heart.

A relationship ends- But it gave birth to a newer you:

Relationships end cz of various reasons, you can hold on to the last thread hoping it works, but when it ends- it ends. So when you hold on to that broken relationship for a long time, the memories vividly playing on repeat in your head. You wondering about the whys’ constantly, you aren’t helping yourself enter newer experiences

And relationships can end both ways- on a good note or a bad note. Neither matters, cz honestly all that matters is it END. It’s heartbreaking, its going to take a while to process the hurt, but eventually as you give yourself the freedom to feel things again, you’ll replace that feeling with something better. You’ll understand why things didn’t work out. You’ll start questioning why did you accept certain things or just why didn’t you love yourself enough. And all this will make you dig deeper, even with relapses; you’ll get through it. And you’ll eventually meet your person and then all the hurt of the past would make sense and you’ll understand why it didn’t work before in the first place. Because when you let go, you protect yourself and you do recognise that previously, you were settling for much less that what you deserved. And that’s why it was time to end it then and let go.

Change is the only constant:

Letting go is difficult because we are stuck to the older versions, cz’ it gave us happiness. So we constantly are in a state of living in the past, a state of denial of our present. But we forget that we keep evolving, everyday, we are a newer version of ourselves. And the moment you currently share with your partner, a city, your work; are going to be a moment of the past and that version is never going to exist anymore. You can hold on to it through pictures, memories. But no matter how hard you try you won’t be able to relive an experience, a moment the same way twice. Because, we change, everyday. We are presented with different perspectives.

Apparently, science says, every cell in our body renews itself every 7–10 years, we become a completely new person, so what makes you think you’ll never change??!

As we grow, the more experiences we come across, every thing is faced with a different version of ourselves. So let go, of all the past memories, be thankful for the good, learn from the bad but be prepared to experience something much greater. Let it get to you- Universe is abundant and so are your experiences.

Same experiences but different feelings each time.

Letting go always involves stepping back from any difficult experiences-

Letting go is never about giving up. Just because you got hurt once, doesn’t mean you’ll be hurt again. Just because someone gave you a difficult experience once, doesn’t mean a different person is going to do the same to you. You have to open yourself to something so much better. You have to trust the process. We have to keep reminding ourselves that to move on with our lives and to experience something better we should let go of the bar we set in our past. The emotions we experience are going to be difficult to process, but one has to remember the joy we will experience after. And, so, we need to release ourselves from the cage of our own mind, for our own happier and healthier self.

Its vital to understand that one cannot control other people-

You cannot please everyone, nor can they please you, and disappointment is going to happen regardless. So, truly, the only thing in your control is how you your respond to a situation. That’s why, set healthy boundaries and express what works for you. Honestly, when you openly communicate about what works for you and what doesn’t, you open yourself to deeper conversations and you let go of holding on to your past experiences.

Your mistakes are done, you cannot undo them. And these experiences made you want to be better. They say time heals everything. And, for it to heal your scars, you have to take the necessary actions yourself. I mean, for how long will you live in resentment and block yourself from the joys of life, just because of something or someone that didn’t end up working for you in the past?

So, today, take a deep breath. And remind yourself that you’re one step away from a different life and its okay to let go.

Let go, because there’s a much better version of you that’s excitedly waiting for you with open arms. Give yourself permission, to let go and grow with the flow!!!!



Vinsha Vijayan

I write about emotions, relationships, travel&life experiences, body & skin positivity,etc. Trust the universe. Powerlift. IG: @duskycurvyproud. Toronto🧿♥️