Vinson Ryan Nash
1 min readAug 25, 2016


A few points… though they are by no means comprehensive.

There are walls in the US. We have gated communities too; I grew up in South Florida — by no means an exemplar of typical America — but nonetheless it typified the kind of demographic, cultural, and economic divides that cross the country.

You are also ignoring two — and I’ll have to borrow from The Donald here — YUGE political subjects. Specifically two things that keep me from voting Republican.

Religiosity. The pandering to the heterogeneous Christian religious vote as though they represent some monolithic “real ‘Merican” cultural bloc. It alienates many who otherwise reject the policies of the Democrats.

Then of course there is the “war”; a subject that seriously concerns me personally.

Luckily enough the “war” only costs money and affects such a small percentage of the population that it can continue to be used as a third rail more untouchable than Social Security.



Vinson Ryan Nash

Less Than Some; More Than Most. My personal views on politics, history, philosophy, science, and other topics as well as anecdotes and stories from my life.