How i got the perfect Poster Design for my Events

Vinu Joseph
2 min readJan 28, 2020


Poster designs, social media posters, Flyer designs— all great options for promoting your upcoming event. Bright colors, striking images, and simple text convey everything an event attendee needs to know from a passing glance. And for events where you’re focused on relationship building more than sales, it’s great to clearly spell out the benefit attendees will receive if they choose to stop by your post.

First and foremost you have to capture attention and direct to the main point of the whole flyer: the event. The top or center of your flyer should always have the event name written in the largest of your fonts for the design. Then place your primary image either in the background or, if your event name is at the top, in the middle of the flyer. Leave event details and your CTA for the bottom.

Choose an inspired poster design. Base it on your goal.Are you trying to raise awareness, sell more tickets, or offer a discount code to help figure out where your audience is finding out about you? Or maybe it’s all three. Either way, make sure you choose a layout that translates that goal to the viewer at a glance.

Consider how you want readers to feel. There’s a lot event flyer creators.Mood, tone, and memory can all be conveyed through simple yet high quality designs. Place all your major elements in order by priority: event name, main image, CTA, and event details. Play around with different colors, frames, graphics, and fonts to find the right tone.Properly resize digital versions. Good cropping and resizing can be a little time consuming depending on what program you use to make your flyer. But if you don’t take this step, you run the risk of cutting off what valuable information you’ve placed in an already limited space.

You might even find that a smaller version of your flyer is harder to read, in which case you should make your message, event logo, and CTA bigger while dropping all other details. As long as you get your main point across, you’re good to go.

