How do you become the Shadow Self ?

Viorica Vesa
2 min readMar 27, 2020


Inside you live two Powerful Forces, your Ego and your Soul. Imagine two people equally powerful having an arm wrestling. Who wins ? Who do you focus on the most. They both pretend to be you. But who is the Real You ? Did you know that Ego means I in Latin ? The Ego pretends to be you while being the False you the whole time.

Imagine the scene again. Now, the two people are a child and an adult ~ parent, teacher, priest. Who wins ? Who is the most powerful ? You guessed right. Always the adult wins. He/ she is the most powerful. Do you know why ? Because the False Self ~the Ego is more powerful.

The child loses every time because he has no Ego. He is himself ~ the Real Self. Adult vs Child 1:0

And now the child learns an important lesson. If you are your True Self, you always win ~ but not when you play against Adults. When you play against adults and you are your True Self, you always lose.

Such a Dilemma ! What can you do ? To be your True Self and always lose or to start training your False Self, so you can also win ?

You think it’s a good idea to muscle up the False Self, to be bigger and stronger than your opponent ~ mom, dad, teacher, friend, bully in school. And the journey begins….

How do you become your False Self ? How do you become who you are NOT ?

Do you know how you train your False Self, how do you pump it up ? By paying attention. By giving attention , you give it energy, you make it grow. By choosing to focus on the False Self instead of the weak True Self. By choosing your False Self as a Friend, as an Ally. After all, he helps you in the battle against Adults.

He makes you win. He helps you get the Rewards. He helps you get everything that you want ~Power, Respect, Recognition, Rewards.

Hey ! This is a Fun Game after all. You just have to pump up your False Self and you win.

“Can God learn how not to be God ? And can his Son, given all the Power by Him, learn to be Powerless ? What have you thought yourself that you can possibly prefer to keep in place of what you have and what you are ? “ A Course in Miracles



Viorica Vesa

Few years ago I connected with a very loving and wise being that introduced herself as the God Mother. With her help I completely changed my mind about Life.