Violet Chiang
3 min readSep 6, 2017

The internet

Hi today I will be talking about different vocabulary that is part of the internet. The words I will be talking about are: DNS (Domain Name service), DSL/cable, Fiber Optic Cable, Internet, IP address, Packets, Servers, URL (Universal Resource Locator) and last but not least WIFI.


Believe it or not everyone probably thinks the Internet looks like this but… this is not what the Internet is like it is just a wire going under the ground.


A server is a computer connected directly to the internet and websites are connected to a hard drive. It also lets you use the internet to contact others or E-mail others.

IP address

You might see this photo and be like yes it means where you live. Well let me tell you it is more like where your different websites are found such as’s IP address is .


DSL is a quick internet for homes and places where people work.the internet works faster than ordinary phone lines.


When you send a letter it stays in its envelope, but if you send a photo or audio by E-mail then it separates in to small pieces, then the other persons E-mail will get the photo or audio,and it will be quicker for the person to get it because there is less to send at a time.


The DNS makes website names into IP address even though the names are easier to remember computers use the IP address to find the website.

Fiber Optic Cables

Fiber Optic Cables just use LED light to carry symbols ,messages and communication signals.


WiFi is a way to let us use the internet. You can also use it on your phone for apps and other things.


URL is a unique address for a website.

I hope you understand a little more about the internet.