In Praise of Dawn: A Gentle Rebellion Against the Frenzy of Modern Life

Violet Ashwood
3 min readMar 22, 2023


The first brush of light, a gentle caress upon the horizon, soft and tender, like a lover’s touch upon one’s cheek. The dawning of a new day, unblemished and full of promise, unfurls before us, a tableau of celestial artistry. Amidst the cacophony of modern life, where screens and buttons vie for our attention like jealous lovers, the simple beauty of a sunrise beckons, a call to pause and appreciate the ephemeral majesty of the world around us.

In the vein of Woolf, we may wander the streets of the city as the sun ascends, observing the play of light and shadow upon the familiar facades, the dew-kissed cobblestones beneath our feet. We become witnesses to the ordinary metamorphosed into the extraordinary, as the first rays of the sun imbue the mundane with a luminous glow. Each brick, each pane of glass, becomes a canvas upon which the dawn’s palette is splashed, inviting us to see the world anew.

As Plath might have done, we immerse ourselves in the sensory delights of the morning, the earthy scent of damp soil, the distant chatter of birdsong, the cool kiss of dew upon our skin. We are reminded of the fragile beauty of life, as fleeting and transient as the morning light that seeps through the clouds, illuminating the world in a symphony of color, only to fade as the day wears on. In this quiet moment, we are offered a reprieve from the relentless pursuit of progress, the unyielding march of time.

With the keen insight of Zadie Smith, we bear witness to the intricate tapestry of humanity awakening, the myriad stories that unfold as the city stirs to life. The early riser, stepping out onto their balcony, coffee in hand, inhaling the promise of the day. The weary traveler, emerging from the shadows of a sleepless night, seeking solace in the rising sun. Each life, each narrative, intertwined and connected, bound together by the shared experience of a new dawn.

In the frenetic dance of the digital age, where the world moves at a breakneck pace and stillness is a scarce commodity, the sunrise offers a chance to slow down, to savor the present moment, to indulge in the quiet luxury of simply being. It is a gentle rebellion against the tyranny of productivity, a reminder that there is more to life than the unending quest for achievement and recognition.

So let us, dear reader, steal a moment from the clutches of the modern world, to bask in the warm embrace of the sun as it crests the horizon. Let us discover, within the unfolding beauty of the dawn, the solace of the eternal, the transcendent joy of the ephemeral. And as we watch the sun ascend, let us remember the power of pausing, of appreciating the little things, and of embracing the sublime poetry of a world that exists beyond the flicker of our screens.



Violet Ashwood

Born and raised in the quaint town, I find solace in the pages of books and the worlds they create.