Composer 2 support on
Oct 23, 2020


Composer 2 is coming to PHP dependency managed projects all over the internet, finally! Among many things it can provide your project is memory and time savings, repository priorities, faster download times, partial offline support and run-time platform requirements check. To check all of the changes, have a look at the Composer changelog.

Today, however, we are going to talk about what that means for

  • If you started using Composer 2 for your project, you can now start using the same version for your updates.
  • If you start using Composer 2 your project will update faster
  • For the tireless violinist workers it means less memory footprint and faster processing times
Sample output log for a project on Composer 2

Sounds great? Can’t wait to use it?

Well, great news! You can start using it right now! Composer 2 currently released in version 2.0.0-rc2 (as of Oct 23rd), but the team plans to release a 2.0 final before end of October. (Update, version 2.0 is released!)

You can select your Composer version when you edit (or add) your project on, and all your updates will be run with the latest version of Composer 2.

If your project is stuck with Composer 1 for a while, don’t worry! We will also continue to support Composer 1 in the foreseeable future.

Happy updating!

